Escape Death (jason todd x reader) chapter 3

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Your p.o.v.

I fell... I couldn't see my life before my eyes as people say, all I thought was that this was the end. The boys expression filled my thoughts, he looked so shocked and had a paint full expression on his face. Like...guilt or something. I closed my eyes waiting for death to come. I felt the wind around me, expecting to hit the ground. I suddenly felt two arms catch me. I opened my eyes and I saw a long haired man. He looked young, around 20 or something, and he had black hair. His eyes were covered by a black mask, but she could see his smirk. Why is he laughing! Please don't let him be one of jokers dogs! The man smiled kindly at me, that's when it hit me; He's Nightwing! The first boy wonder. Barbara has told you all there is to know about him.(Barbara is your best friend) She's a huge fan of him, I suspect that she's in love with him. I could understand that she has fallen in love with him, he is handsome, but not for me. That is for a few reasons: first, he's not my type, to talky. Second, I'm way too young for him (Barbara not, she's 19 now) and Third, barb would have my head out of jealousy. Mental note: Ask Nightwing to write something for her! Nightwing said something to batman, a handcuffed joker and robin. I couldn't hear what, because I was caught up in my own thoughts. The boy wonder looked relived at me, like a miracle happed. Of course there happened one for me, but why would he care? I stared at him for a few moments and when I looked up again, we were on the ground. The boy looked relived at you, when you suddenly had a weird feeling in your stomach. I must be still dizzy from the almost death. You see Batman walking towards his boy wonder and you notice that he's teaching him a lesson. You feel bad for the boy wonder, because you be scared to death when batman is angry at you. I mean that guy is probably the most scariest person that ever lived! You see the boy wonder nod and then you notice a gaping wound on the boys right arm. A lot of blood came out of the wound, but the teen didn't seem to care. You could feel the guilt spread through your body, if you just stayed back he wouldn't be hurt. You notice that Nightwing wanted to hand you over to the commissioner, but you shook your head. 'I can stand' you say and you see that they don't believe you 'I'm fine, really.' Nightwing tries again to hand you over and you step stubbornly out of his arms. I frowned when my legs wouldn't cooperate. I mumbled a thank you towards Nightwing and the commissioner. I walk over to the boy wonder, who looks surprised at me. A lady with bandages in her hand, walks towards me. 'I'm ok ma'am, Thank you' you say politely. She nods and hand you the bandages. You take them and give the women a warm smile. With the bandages in your hand, you walk at the boy wonder. You look at his wound, it big and a lot of blood comes out of it, but the boy wonder didn't seem to notice. 'You're hurt' you mumble with guilt in your voice. He looks even more confused at you. You feel the blood run towards your cheeks. You could see his face good now. He had messy black hair and red lips. His face was covered with blood and dirt, but you could still see that he was handsome. You wondered how his eyes look, when you notice that he's staring back at you. Your cheeks turn redder and your eyes quickly look at his wound. 'Shall I band it for you?' you ask shyly. You see the boy look at you for a second when you hear a quiet 'yes please'

Jason's p.o.v

The girl walks towards me and looked... well her expression is a combination of stubbornness, care and.. something like guilt. About what could she feel guilty? Nothing, It was my fault that she almost died.. A shiver went down my spine... A women walks towards her and gives her bandages. The girl stands now for me with bandages. I look confused at here, I mean what is she going to do? Yell at me, punch me, blame me or is she going to cry? Whit that last option I feel a pain through my chest. She's standing before me and I can see the little fire in her eyes again. A warm feeling flows through my chest and makes the pain disappear. She looks at my arm and her (s/k) turns pale. 'you're hurt' she mumbles with guilt in her voice. I look even more confused at her and see that she's staring back. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair floats in the wind and her body is covered in small wounds. On her (f/c) three days grace shirt is a long dark crimson spot. She must have a big wound on her stomach, but it's probably already banded. Her pretty face is covered in dirt and in her red lips is a small wound. Her (e/c) orbs look at me and I'm surprised to see curiosity in them. On her (s/c) cheeks lays a red glance, which turns redder when she notices me staring back. She quickly looks at my right arm and I follow her stare. I have a wound on my arm, nothing serious. 'shall I band it for you' she asks shyly. I look surprised at her for a second and answer quietly 'yes please'

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