Escape Death chapter 9

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Jason's p.o.v.

This can't be happing! How! She can't.... she's.. dead...

I run towards the red haired woman and untie her. As I face her I see tears form in her green eyes. As soon as her arms are free I'm trapped in a powerful desperate embrace. I feel something wet on my neck and hear muffled sounds of crying. As the scarlet haired woman cries on my shoulder I hear muffled cries of thank you.. My mind races. I order my mind and decide to first check if she really is her. 'Ma'am what is your name?' I ask her in the kindest but firmest voice I'm able to master. 'S-sheil-la' is all the woman can manage to answer before she continues her crying fit. Sheila? But my mother's name is Catherine.. but she looks exactly a like...GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER JASON! This woman might by your only clue to where (y/n) is! First get as much information as possible. The woman is wearing an aid organization uniform, but it is al shattered and covered in stains.

She seemed really shocked but physically unharmed.

Why was she here? Was she kidnaped by the joker? Or was she the owner of this shed and was unlucky enough to stumble upon the lunatic clown?

I decide to just bluntly ask her, but first I have to get her face out the crook of my neck so that she can properly speak. I pull us both up from the ground and manage to put some distance between us.

'Ma'am what is your last name?'

'H-h-Haywood' the woman mutters before sitting on the ground. Sheila Haywood he?

I search her name in our database and the result appears in half a second.

Name: Sheila Haywood

Age: 46

Looks: originally red hair, died blond. Green eyes. Not muscular.

Profession: currently doctor in refugee camp outside Gotham.

In not too distant past doctor in narrows hospital. Forced to leave after botching an illegal abortion that caused a teenaged girl's death.

Relations: single, no contact with family.

Nationality: American

None of these things would explain why she's here..

A to hell with it: I'm asking it.

'Ma'am how did this happened?'

As result two big green eyes filled with tears looked up to me. The woman quickly got on her feet and answered: 'i-i was just cleaning up the shed of the refugee camp where i work a-and su-sud-denly a-a mad man with a-a cut in smile barges in and t-the next thing i know everything turns black..'

I frown at her story.. no clue to where (y/n) is..

Sheila notices my frown and starts to panic. 'I-I-I know it sounds crazy, but it really is the truth!' She practically yells desperately. More tears start to flow. I try my best to comfort her.

'Ma'am I trust you on your word. Joker is crazy enough to do such a thing. Luckily you are unharmed.' Sheila seemed to calm down and I decide that it is save to ask about (y/n). 'Ma'am I'm looking for a girl about 15 years old. She has (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. Have you seen or heard anything that can be related to her?' Sheila things deeply and suddenly her face lifts up. 'There is a complex of shed just like this one a mile away from here. I can show you where, she may be in one of those.'

I nod and we leave the shed. She climbs behind me on my motor and we find the complex suprisingly easy.

As I want to enter I notice Sheila is not following me. I quickly realise why. 'Ma'am if you want you may leave now' she looks relived and leaves as quickly as she can.

I walk towards the first shed and enter. It is empty. I jog towards number two I find it empty too. This continues until I've seen twelve empty sheds.

As I approach number thirteen I hear the sound of running. I start running towards the door and just as I was about to open the door, it swings open and there is see her. (Y/n), her beautiful (e/c) eyes wide of fear, her face shocked and painful, her (h/c) hair messy and covered in dirt and blood just like the rest of her body. On her stomach seemed to be a huge gaping wound and she seemed exhausted. She got over the shocked quicker than me and gives me a small black machine. It seemed to be a trigger of some kind..... TRIGGER?! shit that means her wound?.... the trigger was inside her! I quickly put it in my utility belt and (y/n) grabs my arm to run away as she suddenly stops. Her face is filled with agony as she falls to the ground.

Behind her is the face I'd least expected to see.

Green eyes look at me.

'Sorry about that, kid. Looks like you chose the wrong person to trust, this time.' The red head said before I felt something hit my head.. hard.

As I fall unconious the last thing I see is Sheila's face as she betrayed me.........

Escape Death (jason todd x reader) ~ DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now