Escape Death chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

(starts during chapter 6)

Jason's p.o.v.:

As I walk out the elevator I couldn't shake off a weird feeling. I think it is because I kissed (y/n) while she was sleeping.. God I'm a creep right now! I hear an alarm going off and hear someone announce that the hospital is on red alert! People around me starts to panic and scream and run. While everybody is distracted by the chaos, I run into the first hiding spot I see and change. 'Robin? Where are you?! Joker is attacking the hospital in the narrows. Report as fast as you can by that hospital.' Bruce says in my earpiece. I feel my blood boil in my veins as I hear the news. Joker again. 'I'm already here.' I respond 'I'll get joker. Get here as fast as you can' is all I say. 'Don't let him get away' is all I get in return. I run towards the cause of the chaos and see commissioner Gordon standing there. I run up to him and ask: 'where is he?' the commissioner looks at me and answers. 'he is on the 3rd floor. We're evacuating all the patients. We hav' I didn't listen anymore. The 3rd floor is where (y/n) is! If that bastard is after (nickname) he's up for a big fight.

I sprint the stairs on to the third floor. When I arrive I meet a deserted hallway and open door where (y/n)'s room is. I run the room in only the see it is a mess. It looks like (y/n) was able to escape the room. I run down the hall to the abandoned part of the hospital only to see joker and Harley drive away in a car with a unconscious (y/n). I'm about to jump out the window when I see the batmobiel follow them. 'I'll follow them' is what bruce says. 'you stay here and find out why they were here' 'they've got (y/n)!' I try to keep my voice steady, but it fails miserably. 'then find out what they want with her.' Is bruce's order. That is when I spot a card on the ground. I pick it up and read the text written upon it. It is an address somewhere in the farmland around Gotham. As I run down the stairs to my motor, I send bruce a visual of the card. 'Robin don't go there' 'what?! (y/n) is there! I'm going there!' 'Robin no! it could be a trap! JASON!' that was all I hear as I throw the earpiece away.

I jump on my motor and drive into the dark city. As I just passed the border three cars surround me and my training kicks in. I dodge the bats that come in my direction and ride faster. I manage to lose them after 6 minutes. As I finally arrive at the address I face a group 10 men with bats, crowbars and knifes. The group of men makes a circle around me and start walking towards me. As they start to attack me I notice that they barley know how to fight. In a few minutes I've defeated them and I enter the shed. As I open the door I meet a female face, but not the one I expected. I meet green eyes and my original red hair colour. Her face was skinny and dirty. As I recognize her face my mouth fall out. After a few minutes the word that's stuck in my throat.. 'Mom.............'

Escape Death (jason todd x reader) ~ DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now