Escape Death chapter 14

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Bells are ringing, lights are flashing. You're running as fast as you can... almost...almost..

'Shit..' you mumble. You missed your train. Crap. Now you're going to be late for training and bruce is going to be pissed.. Well it can't get any shittier than thi- you feel a drop of rain on your cheek. Great! You just HAD to say that.. You pull up your hood as you sigh. Today is going to be a long day. You hurry inside of the station, not wanting your make-up messed up. It is a pain to conceal the bruises, wounds and scares. You absolutely hate the look of sorrow and pity people show you when they see your scars on your lower face. The stupid "smile" scars often cause people to see you as a weak victim. You hate to be seen as a damsel in distress. On the other hand it is useful to hide your other identity. Speaking of that you should call barb or alfred that you' ll be late.

You grab your phone out of your pocket and search for barbara's number when the screen turns black. In a fragment of a second the batsignal appears. Shit you need to change. Bathroom! you run towards it, throwing one last glance at the clock. You alone in the rest room since NO one in his right mind would go to the toilet here. You run inside a booth and start changing. Boots. pants. shirt. Utility belt. Put all normal clothes inside your back pack. Mask on.

As soon as you have your mask on your system come online. You look at the time as you leave the booth and open the manhole cover and jump in the sewer. 1,5 minute. you're making progress. 'Batgirl? are you online' you hear barbara's voice say. 'batgirl online orakel' you respond. 'What's the stich?' you ask jokingly. God you have to stop haning out with dick.... 'What is your position?' barbara ask hinding a small laugh. 'I'm under narrow's central station. What is going on?' you ask. 'Great! i'm sending you the coordinations and info' she awnsers as a picture of what looks like a mob boss appears. He seems to be not far away from you and you have the element of suprise if you come from below. 'Is batman on the case already?' you ask. 'yes' is the respond you get 'Be careful batgirl. He's highly trained and manages to hold his own against batman' Suddenly something becomes clear in your head 'When did batman fight him?' 'uh..' you hear barbara hesitate. So it is true 'Yesterday right? that's why i had to patrol the east side.'  barb mumbles something a long the lines of yeah 'So what happend?' 'Batman went to confiscate amazone and find out who was behind it, when they accidently activated him. He and nightwing won-' 'Nightwing is already back?' you ask. In respond you get the footage of the fight. Bruce and amazone are fightig as dick dodges a container. 'He has cut his hair' is your intellgent respond. 'Indeed' Barb chuckels. 'So what happend then?' 'After they defeated amazone one of the scums was about to spill when he was shot in the head. This man was the sniper. He killed three people and caused several car accidents during the chase. He fled into ACE chemicals and caused the building to explode while getting away.' Yeah.. you heard the last part on the news. 'You are under him now' You nod as you see a manhole. 'I'm going up' 'Okay. There are five hench men. Batman wants you to take th-' '-em out first.. Yeah i know the routine'

You jump out and face five buff looking guys. Out of instinct you judo flip the one that almost ran into you. 'Hey  boys' Is your oh so dick like respond. 'Get her' the buffest screams. All of them draw their guns. You kick them out of the first three hands, but the forth shoot and nearly hits you. Damn it (y/n)! get it together! think of your training. You quickly disarm the last two. You finish your back flip as you land. They surround you now, yet you are confident you'll win. 'What are you waiting for' the leader screams 'It's just a little girl' well... A trained one..

The other four hesitate and you could see fear on faces. Their sunglasses hardly hide anything. They attack and you can see your own reflection in their glasses. A completely black mask that also covers the mouth. Honestly a scary mask, but you like it that way. As all four of them are about to hit you, you make a back flip, causing them to run into each other and to pass out. The buffest is now behind you and tries to cut you with his knife. You kick him in the nuts and jump to the left dodging the knife. You hit his temple and he's out too. You quickly tie them all down and start to run towards where bruce is fighting.

You turn the corner and meet bruce flying your way. You quickly dodge and charge. The figure is running the other way, giving you a change to have a better look. He wears a brown leather jacket, black pants, weapons all over and he has a red mask. He run inside a building and you follow. Once on the roof he jumps and you follow again. You're reading all the information that is currently given to you. On the next roof he tries to escape inside through the door, but you throw a batarang causing the door to be blocked. He stops running and turns arround. There is a moment of silcence, followed by the both you charging as you face the current incarnation of the red hood.......

~In case it's unclear there has been a timeskip of a year ^^ i hope you enjoyed! ~

Escape Death (jason todd x reader) ~ DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now