Escape Death chapter 15

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Your p.o.v.

There is a short silence as the two of you stare at each other. You can't put your finger on it, but he somehow seems suprised. The silence doesn't last long because your instincts kick in and you charge. You try to hit him on his throat, but he swiflty dodges. You nearly lose your balance, but you quickly turn arround and kick his legs. He falls, but gets back on his feet before you can make your next move. He aims for your head with his knife and it barely misses your face. You take two steps back and throw two tasers at him, which he easily dodges. Thank god bruce didn't see those poor excuses of moves or he'd lock you up inside the cave to train. You throw a batarang at his face causing him dodge. While he moves to your right, you throw another at his feet and he messes up his foot work. You leap at him and nock both of you to the ground. But you only manage to get the knife from him, before he repays you with a smoke bomb to your face. Everything gets black before your eyes and you thank alfred for suggesting a build in gas mask in your costume. You feel the red hood hitting you in the feels, with what you guess is a gun. He pushes you of him and runs towards the edge of the roof. You try to tackle him but he aims the gun at you and you have to get out of the way in order to not get shot. As soon as you are out of shot, you chase him. You follow him across a handfull of rooftops, when you notice that both bruce and nightwing have appeared on the map. This gives you an idea.  As the red headed ***hole attemps to leave to the left of the roof that you are currently on, you throw a batarang containing ,as you call it, "selfraising powder". (you know that is actually has some kind of sicentific name, but you think this fits because as soon as it hits a surface it explodes and turns into something similair to a giant sticky mess that vaguely resembles bread) The powder blocks his way, so the red f*ckface runs straight ahead. You check the map again. He's running straight into bruce's arms. The blue symbol representing dick is at his side. You call dick: 'Hey wing, sorry for interrupting your tea party but i got a read headed mob boss on the run and he is kind off going to run into you two in about a minute' 'Don't worry about it, we'll give him a veeeeerry warm welcome, batgirl' is dicks's anwser. 'Take care of the civilians in the area. Return to the cave after.' says a dark, rough voice. You feel irritation building, because bruce's acting like you can't handle yourself. Like you're still that untrained girl from a year ago. But you know better than to argue on the field. That only causes trouble and hesitation and those lead to death. Either yours ,which you couldn't really care much about, or the death of civilians. Over your dead body! So you bite your tongue and do what bruce ordered.

You were lucky. There were only about twenty people that needed to be rescued or evacuated. It was done quickly and the only cassualty was that one guy broke his hand. You're finished as you give a toddler with flaming red hair back to his mother, who was worried as hell. You escape to the roof and slowy make your way towards where you left your civilian clothes. While you near the station, a helcopter crashes into the building to your left. You rush towards the building and immidiatly scan for civilians inside. Luck must really try to compesate for the shitty wheater ,water is pourring from the heavily clouded sky, because the only occupants were a pair on the highest floor. You jump through the window, grab the two of them and escape the building. You dump the two citizens in the safe area and quickly return to the building, but as you make you way towards the accident you notice a red dot in the distance. You immidiatly realise who that is and you're able make a shortcut. You tackle him from the side in mid-air, causing the two of you to land on the other rooftop. He pulls his gun, but you hit it out of his hands before he can do anything. He tries to get up, but you stuggle to keep him down. It takes a few seconds but he suddenly stops with moving.  'Not that I mind, but usually you buy someone a drink before this...' he says in an extreemly flirty tone. You're confused. This is the first thing you ever heard him say and it is something so.....stupid. Why would he even say tha-. Thats when you realize the position you're in. During your struggle with him you somehow ended up straddling him.......

'Fuck you' is your response to which he reacts with 'perhaps after that drink..' He takes advantages of your flustered state by throwing you of. You quickly get back on your feet, but before you can regain your fighting stance, you're kicked in your stomach. That is the finishing hit as you fall off the building. You try to grap your grappling hook, but before you could even use it, two strong arm catch you. A black cape flutters arround you as bruce land on the roof with you in his arms. He drops you to your feet and you get ready to attack the red hood again, but before you can leave he grabs your arm and pulls you back. 'Cave NOW' is all he says before he's gone. You feel irritation fueling your stubborness. '(y/n).... you should listen to him.'barbara says as you return to the station and dissappear into the stall to get changed 'You got a few nasty cuts and even a bullet wound in you arm and t-' 'The bullet scratched me... i didn't got shot.' is your respons to Barbara. 'But still (y/n) you shoul-' 'I know oracle.. I'll go to cave. It is very clear that i'll only be in the way' is the last thing you say before you rip off your mask..

~a/n: I'm sorry for the long hiatus, but the universe was making it very hard to write this chapter: the combination of writersblock, mountains of schoolwork/projects was my enemey and to make it worse: i had finished the chapter arround a week ago, but wattpad hadn't saved it....... so i had to rewrite it ALL.....~

Escape Death (jason todd x reader) ~ DiscontinuedΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα