18~The Single Handed Man

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"Why won't you just hurry up and die already," I grit out as I dodge a clawed hand from a mermaid. Fishing in their territory probably wasn't the smartest idea, but I was bored and was looking for a fight. Safe to say I got what I asked for. 

"Die!" I chant as I bash her hard head against a rock, "Die. Die. Die. Die. Die bitch!"

Currently, the seaweed wrapped mermaid wasn't having any of it. Amongst all her clawing at me in the shallows of the blue water, I managed to gain leverage on her neck and snap it with an efficient thrust of my hands. She eventually stilled above me as I let her body drop to the sand beside me; I flopped onto my back in the cool water that wasn't deep enough to cover my face as I stared up at the burning sun.

 What a pretty day. 

"You look good when you do that," I hear Peter's voice from behind me on the shoreline where he's perched casually on a large bolder. I sit up on my elbows in the water, the wet sand dancing between my fingers as I glance back at him.

"Why else  do you think I came out here?" I chuckle as he steps over the body beside me and offers a hand; I take it as  he pulls me up into his chest and dominates my lips with his hungry ones. 

A quick wave of his hand and he has us back in the sanctuary of our treehouse for some precious moments.

"Peter," I groan as he trails kisses up my neck as we swing gently in our hammock. 

"What love?" he teases beofre nibbling at my ear which earns him another toe curling groan. 

"My turn," I mumble as I roll myself ontop of his strong body and begin worshiping it as if he were a god. 

"Daddy?" I hear Sophie question from the doorway, having obviously woken up from her nap and coming over from her tent that she shares with her brothers to find Peter, so he can take her swimming in the lagoon. 

Peter doesn't flinch as he griped the back of my head below the blanket and forces me to keep him in my mouth as he has a casual convocation with his daughter. 

Sophie had grown up to be quite the heart breaker.  She's seven now and has all the boys wrapped tightly round her finger and if they don't listen; she's pretty good at hitting them with sticks until they do. 

"Where's mummy?" I hear her ask as I hope the fur skin covers my bare body. 

"Where she should be," Peter replies and I choke, he coughs to cover it up. 

"Why don't you go ask Jake?" he tries to politely dismiss her whilst I can still hear a smirk in his tone;  he has never raised his voice or ever shouted at her like he does with the boys. Daddy's little girl. 

"Okay," she innocently says before I hear her light footfalls as she disappears. 

"Were I belong?" I sneer as I pop up from under the blanket to be met with a devilish smirk. 


 I quickly turn to Peter who has stopped eating his breakfast at the same instant I did when we both feel the caresses of magic's hand against our minds. Two people have entered Neverland. 

"My turn," I smirk as I peck him on the lips. I turn to leave but he grabs my wrist tightly,

"You're staying here," he demands harshly. I rip my wrist from his vice grasp and take a few steps further back, his large strides mirroring mine as if we doing the cell block tango

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