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"Tessa do you know the answer. I looked up to see Mr. Walsh waiting for my answer to the problem on the board. I of course hadn't been paying attention to the lesson. Lately I had been really distracted with everything going on. Luckily another student answered for me. It's was Mason. I looked over to him and smiled as a way of saying thank you. He nodded in return.

"Thank you Mason but I believe I was asking Tessa." The class just kinda laughed. The bell rung and everyone grabbed there stuff ready to leave. "Don't forget there's a quiz tomorrow." Mr. Walsh yelled over all the talking. I left the class ready to head to English when Mason stopped me. "Tess are you ok you seemed a little distracted?"

"I'm fine just a lot to think about lately." Mason nodded in understanding. "And now Ryan's funeral is coming up I'm just really out of it. Don't worry I'm ok. I'll see you later." I walk off to English the one class all my friend were in. All the other classes there were only two or none of us.

"I saw you talking to Mason. Is there something going on between you two?" Claire said walking into English with me. I sighed, "Honestly I don't know. I like him I really do but-" Claire nodded in understand. "Colton. I know sweetie but you need a guy who's going to be present in your life and that's not Colton. He's hundred of miles away. What if something bad were to happen to him? Would you honestly be able to survive that?"

She was right like always but still it hurt. The bell signaling the start of class ring and we took are seats on opposite sides of the class. My teacher wasn't dumb she knew the four of us would talk if seated next to each other so she put us in opposite corners. I spent the class watching cartoons on my phone. It was something I often did. Unless of course I was sleeping. That happened more often than not.

"Tessa are you watching cartoons again?" My English teacher asked. My head snapped up in surprise she never noticed why was today different. "Of course not who watches cartoons in class." The whole class erupted in laughter. "Give me your phone you can have it back at the end of class." I hand her my phone with a sigh. In exchange she hands me a detention slip. Well at least Aaron will be there to keep me company and maybe Mason.

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