Chapter 1: Teaching Draco

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Chapter 1: Teaching Draco

Summer was rolling by quickly. I tried to move on from my Uncle's death, but it was extremely difficult for me to get him off my mind. I distracted myself from it by teaching Draco in the afternoons on how to conjure a Patronus. So far, he hasn't got much luck with it. It was a slow process for him, and my many demonstrations weren't very helpful.

For nights it went on like this. I would demonstrate on how to do it, conjure my Patronus, unlock the boggart from my dad's old wardrobe, and then Lucius shows up telling Draco how worthless he is, causing him to break down into a nasty fit of anger and then I send away the boggart.

Right now we were in my kitchen while I was fixing some tea and some breakfast, while Draco ranted about how last night sucked with his Patronus then went on about family issues. I settled the tea down on the table and poured him a cup while handing him a plateful of scones, biscuits, English muffins, and spotted dicks with some grapes in a bowl.

". . . And it's only for the Dark Lord, they don't really care about me." said Draco as he continued to rant onwards.

"English breakfast, Lady Grey, or black currant?" I asked.

"Lady Grey, are you stupid?" he said. I rolled my eyes as I poured him a cup with the correct tea bag. "Like I was saying. . ." I blocked out his talking as I squeezed in some lemon and added some sugar, knowing how many cubes he preferred. I passed him his tea cup as he took it. "It's like no one ever listens to me at all, you know what I'm saying?"

"I'm sorry, what?" I said half-listening. He turned to me and glared but I laughed. I grabbed a biscuit and took a bite, the flavors bursting my taste buds. "I'm only joking. It sounds like to me, Draco, that you should stand up for yourself more. Don't get pushed around by everyone. It's not your fault you were raised by people who are hateful pricks."

"I know, but there's more too it than that," he said while grabbing a muffin and slapping some strawberry jam on it. "Something happened," he took a large bite of his muffin, "Volmorff gaff me da darf maff."

"What?" I asked. "Stop talking with your mouth full. I can't understand a word you're saying." He swallowed quickly.

"The dark lord gave me the dark mark," he said and I spat out my [english breakfast] tea all over the table and down my chin. I grabbed a napkin and cleaned myself up.

"You mean to tell me you've sided with the dark lord and have your dark mark?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Yes I am. You don't hate me do y—"

"Can I see it?" I leaned in real close expecting him to pull up his sleeve for me to see the mark.

"Wait, what?"

"Show me the mark!" He sighed hesitating before pulling up his sleeve that exposed his left arm where a tattoo of the dark mark placed on his forearm. There was a small skull head and a snake wrapped around it below as the head pokes out wth it's fangs poking out ready to strike.

"That looks so cool," I said admiring it. "But remember Draco, your promise."


"Yeah, when I made you promise for you to never leave me." I stated.

"Oh, I forgot," he said remembering from the time before. "But yeah, I won't leave you. Of course you have my word." I smiled at him. I got up from my chair and cleaned up the table quickly.

After breakfast we went outside to practice his magic. The way we do this without getting caught by the ministry, I put a shield barrier on the wands so they can't be intercepted that we're doing anything with magic. It was a great plan, until we saw two owls flying toward us. Draco and I stopped what we were doing at once to see what was happening. I outstretched my arm as the owl landed swiftly on me. It had a letter in his mouth with my name on it. The other owl had Draco's name written on it too.

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