im off!

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Maegans p.o.v.

when sky left the room I got up and looked out the window.  I wonder how I'm gonna get back to my brother. He was always so protective about going out by myself. I just hope he's not freaking out. "Maegan!" sky yelled. "ye-" I started. "Where were you! ?" tyler asked annoyed. "Listen, dont freak or anything, but there is something on your shirt." i said. he looked down and i ran and hugged him. "Cant.. breath... need... air..." he said. i let go and laughed. "Adam, this is my brother." "I know... wait... you have a sister?!" adam said. "Wait... you know tyler?!" i say. "So... where you guys are getting is... maegan is tylers sister and tyler is a friend of adam and adam is maegans girlfriend!?!?" mitch says really fast. i hit him in the arm while adam laughed. Tyler was surprisingly calm about what Mitch said.

#morning time! yay! continue because i know you want to... :-D

Carries p.o.v.

The next morning was silent. Ty was sleeping still, and nothing was going on that was exciting. finally, i got an idea! i made a note for ty to read. it was going to be the best idea ever!

Tys p.o.v.

As i woke up, everything was silent. i got up and walked to carries bedroom. she wasnt there. So, i went into the living area. she wasnt there either? where did she go? then i found a note on the door. it read;

ty, i know you are probibly wondering where i am. well, i have a surprise for you! meet me at the tree in 5 minutes. i will be there.

        love,                          carrie! ;-)

Well, i wonder what the surprise is? she didnt really half to. after abot 7 minutes, i went off to see what she was up to. when i got to the tree, she wasnt there either! instead, i got another note;

Ty,    this was apart of the surprise. just be patiant! now, go to the lake where i met Sky! see you soon! ;-)

                               love,                              carrie!

NOT AGAIN!?!? ugh... well, off to the lake! i walked for another 20 minutes and finally made it to the lake. "shes... not... here .... either?!" i panted. then, i saw the next note lying on a tree branch. it read;

Ty,     this is so much fun!!!! well, for me... i just need you to go to a few more places. Next, go to my place or, aka mitch and jeromes, for the next stop! good luck!

Love,                 carrie! :-)

here we go....

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