13: more about Justine

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As they left, little dude decided to watch some TV. He took out the remote then turned on the TV and changed it to the dinosaur channel. There he saw how his ancient ancestors roamed the earth. He then changed it to the psychology channel, there it was about secrets.


"Hello friends" said the host "today we are going to learn about the secrets of the people you know. We may have close relationships with the closes of people but sometimes the ones that we thought we know all about has some secrets that they have been hiding from us"

Little dude got interested about what he was hearing then continued watching the show.

"Now when they have secrets, if you want to know the first thing to know is to search in their personal belongings then to their homes then lastly in their minds"

Little dude turned off the the TV then took a large crutch then started going to Justine's room to see if he has any secrets that he has been hiding from him.

As he arrived he took a box from the top of his closet then opened the box. He saw a lot of pictures of he and his friends but deep in the box he saw a picture of him and Nicole as kids. They looked like they were happy with each other. There he has some burning questions he wants to know about.

He put down the box then looked under his bed and saw another box. He took it out and saw 3 video tapes that labelled "my best friend, Nicole" he went back to the room and places tape one in the video player then he watched it.


"Hello everybody" said young Justine "I'm super Justine, the greates superhero in this side of the world"

"And I am his faithful co-hero, the amazing Nicole" said young Nicole.

Little dude was touched to see how Justine and nicole played when they were very young.

"Oh no, a giant robot" said young Justine "let's destroy it amazing nicole"

"Agree, ice breath" said young Nicole

Little dude kept watching and saw them destroy a giant caedboard robot. Then they stick next to each other then posed like super heroes.

"Justice has been served" said young Justine and Nicole

Little dude took the tape out then placed another tape in. He then saw the greatest thing ever.


"Ok Justine blow out your candles" said Justine's mom in the tape

Then he saw Justine, who was turning 10 blowing the candle. He saw that he already blow out the candle and everyone was really happy about that.

"Yeah!" Said young Justine "it's time for presents"

"Here, open mine first Justine" said young Nicole as she gave him his gift

He saw that the gift was a picture frame with a picture of them as the cutest of best friends.

"Wow!" Said young Justine "this is the best gift ever, thanks Nicole"

"You're welcome, you are my best friend after all" said young nicole

He took out that tape then put in the last tape. He then saw what yhw janitor was talking about earlier.


"Ok you ready" said Justine's mom in the tape "she's going to be here any minute"

"I know, that's why I'm looking this good" said young Justine

Little dude saw that it was Justine's spring fling dance with Nicole. Little dude was shocmed to see this, he didn't consider what might happen next. He realized that they were 14 years old.

"Hello guys" said young Nicole as she came in

"Wow Nicole, you look nice" said Justine

"Come on let's go or we might be late" said Nicole

"Yeah, bye mom" said Justine as he and Nicole left

"Bye, and don't be late to come home" said Justine's mom

Little dude turned off the tape then realized that he missed out the best thing that Justine has ever done. He put the tapes in the box then put it back under his bed. At that time Justine and his mom came. They saw little dude asleep. They all let him sleep then went to bed. Little dude has a conscience that tells him to help him out.

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