2: Club meet

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As they arrived at school, Nicole and Justine went to their group of friends because Justine is in the school's academic club and Nicole is in the group of super cool and super popular girl group.

Justine went to the club room to see his club friends, Fred, Dave and Wakky. They were waiting for Justine to arrive, because it's a friends thing.
Justine arrived with his friends sitting down and waiting.

"Hey guys" said Justine

"Hey dude" said Wakky

"Ok guys, what now?" Said Dave "we are still being harassed by those bullies"

"Yep, I know" said justine "I don't know why they do this but I don't care, I have a feeling that they are just jealous of us"

"Jealous!" Said Fred "they are beast, they won't stop bullying and mistreating us"

Justine and his friends sat down and he tries to explain to then about what he thinks about the situation.

"Guys, I really think they really are jealous of us" said Justine

"Where did you get that idea" said Wakky

"From Nicole" said Justine

"What!" Said Fred "Nicole is the prettiest and most popular girl ever, how did she even talk to you?"

"Well Nicole is my best friend" said Justine

They all stopped at the moment and Laughed so hard and for so long that they laughed like it was a never ending storm.

"GUYS!" Said Justine "she really is my best friend"

"How?" Said Dave "she is popular and pretty"

"I met her at grade 1, and she has been my best friend ever since" said Justine

His friends are feeling a bit weird about this new information that they are hearing from justine about being friends with Nicole.

"Dude" said Fred "as your best friend, I say to you that you should really be careful of bwing friends with Nicole"

"Why is that?" said Justine

"Well, very popular girls are really close with jocks and other bullies like those three, so maybe her friends might tell her to stop being friends with you" said Fred

Justine thought about it for a while but he didn't believe in them. He told all fo them that Nicole may be a popular girl but still she is his best friend and she will not try and hurt him. The club understands but they will be there to help him out. As the bell ranged, Justine and his friends went out of the room and went to their classes.

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