After What He Saw {Alternate/Bad Ending}

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Sooo this was the ending I originally thought of for the story in the earlier chapters. Then I thought how dark it would be if I did. Since, my nightmare chapter seem to be a lot for some of you. This is just a little something extra.

In case you didn't know, Sad Warning

Third Person


 Tom ran as fast as he could. He led to a grinding halt once he saw him. The three stood in front of nooses. The opposing leader screamed a speech about how much they deserve to die, and great victory. This broke Toms heart. Every word. He had so many reasons on why he should stay alive. But it's not like they're going to care about his great personality and redemption towards his friends. 

 The leader screamed as the audience and other soldiers cheered. Tom wanted to call out, but he's at a loss of words. Tears trickle down his cheeks. 


 The man in between the other two looked down at him. His eyes were full of sorrow. Tom noticed. The opposing soldiers walked up to platform with bags. In which they'll cover their heads so you won't see their eyes pop out. 

Tord mouthed the words "I love you" before the bag covered his face. That's the last time Tom would ever see him alive. 

The crowd began to count down from twenty.

Tom never felt more terrified.

They tied the three soldiers hands behind their back, and tied their feet.

Counting down from 10. 

Toms heart bet faster with every second.

The opposing leader placed his hand on the lever, with a toothy grin.



4 can't!




Please!! STOP IT!!




A few days later..

Edd:"I can't believe he's dead..."


Edd:"I wonder how I'm going to break this to Matt.."


Edd:"Hey, Tom. Will you be okay? You just came home today since you've left."

Tom:"To be honest, I have no fucking idea..."

 There were bags under his black eyes. Super pale, and after all of that crying - he's dried up. Tom hasn't slept either, so it's surprising he's still standing. Edd left and came back with a cup of water. He said goodnight, and left for Matt's.

Edd would've plan the funeral...

If those bastards didn't burn his corpse...

  At around midnight, Tom laid awake in bed. He couldn't sleep no matter how tired he felt. That dreadful scene can't escape his thoughts. Never in his life Thomas felt so empty. Incomplete. Broken. He knew that the missing part, rather person, died just recently. He watched it happen. Watched the platform fell, and their lifeless bodies swayed to a complete stop. 

 Tom sat up, got out of bed, and began to walk out of his room. All of the sudden, he collapsed. His legs just gave out at the loss of food and sleep. He felt the need to cry, but he can't. He held his arms out in front of him. They were also unstable. He struggled to stay up, but once again he fell.

 A small light emitted in the door way. He managed to rest on his elbow, just barely lifting his head up. Someone lifted up his chin to look at them. Tom's heart stopped at who lied there before him.

 He sat on his legs, and had wings that's slightly bigger than his being, in which is transparent. Tord's aura emitted a soft, white light. The blue boy began to well up. Looking up at the man he thought he would never see again. After what he saw...

 Tord looked down at him with the sweetest smile. Then he whipped away Toms tears, cupping his cheeks. 

Tord:"You'll be okay....I promise." He had a soft tone in his voice, that echoed just a little bit.

Tord:"Please be happy....for me.." Like that, Tord faded away. 

To heaven?



Or completely vanished, no one can really know. It's hard to tell if he made up for the bad things he'd done or not. His main goal is to make it up to his dear friends.

It's still a work in progress. If Tom could be happy without him, then Tord will be able to go to heaven. Though, that might take time. It might mean for him to fall in love all over again. Surely it wont happen. Tom wouldn't want to experience the kind of loss he felt. Ever again.

(Also. If you were wondering about the other two. Paul became a demon. And Patryck will be in purgatory for a while until he makes it to heaven. You can guess why he's there.)

The End


Well isn't that a joy ride?

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