After The Road To Forgiveness (part 1)

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Tords Pov
I woke up, dazed the next morning. My immediate thought is to make breakfast for Tom, so I did. I made two huge plates of French Toast and Bacon cuz why not. After cleaning up my mess, I took a shower. I was drenched in tears and sweat from the previous night.
Toms Pov
The spell of bacon lured me into the kitchen. The sight before me made my mouth water, my jaw dropping. I was about to dig into it myself, then I thought of Tord. It sounds like he's in the shower right now.
I've got an idea!
Tords Pov
I wrapped a towel around my waist and left the bathroom. I would've changed in there, but I forgot clean clothes. I came to a halt when I saw Tom, AND Matt, AND Edd eating the breakfast I made.
  The two kept saying it's amazing, while Tom just stared at me, blushing. I blushed too and headed to his room.
I came out wearing his blue hoodie since all of mine are in the wash.
I sat next to Tom and ate some bacon with him. He just kept blushing and talking to Matt and Edd.
I stayed silent for most of the conversation, because I'm scared I might say something wrong.
At least I fed them a good breakfast.

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