After Pat's Worries

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Patryks Pov
The ceiling fell in on itself from the plane. We could be fine without it if it wasn't going to rain tonight. So Paul ordered me to fix it. He used to be so nice before all this. Even with his misleading persona with the cigar and bushy eye brows. I wish I can have my Paul back...
We have to deal with Tord first. Paul and I had went threw the "plan" again. Which really is just general goals.
Somehow, we kill his friends, and in affect, he'll get furious towards us.
Somehow, we will kill him, the Red Leader
And SOMEHOW, we're going to get out of this town and move to the we always dreamed of...
It's about time I should get my head out of the clouds and start working. Climbing on to the top with a few tools and the panel that fell. Some time passed and I've been up here more than expected. Suddenly, Paul called for me.
Paul:"Pat! I've found something back at their old house!" I hopped down to get a closer look. He seemed very excited about this.
Paul:"It's a hatred serum. Anyone who drinks, or touches it will be filled with hate to the person they're thinking about the most!!" My Paul looks psychotic...what happened to him?..
He began to make an evil laugh... I just...climbed..back up onto the plane getting back to work. Though, something caught my eye. On the horizon, I see a couple of Tords old friends walking towards the beach. This would be a great opportunity for Paul to use that serum.... but will this make him more mad? *sigh* None the less, this will make him happy.
Honestly, I don't care about Tord anymore. Not even hate. I'm just worried about my Paul. He's been like this for almost two weeks!...

I want my Paul back...

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