After Coming Home

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I stopped dead in my tracks. Thankfully, not much people are around at this time of night.
"That's what I should do!" I raced back in the opposite direction, back to the remains of ...our..old home. In the center of the ruble should be Toms harpoon gun. "I should drag this in a safer spot." Who ever's going to clean this mess up can not find this.
  Now, the harpoon gun and all of the harpoons I can find are in a small pit by the nearest tree. Leaves covered it so it can not be seen.
I wiped my hands clean, "There. That should do." So now, I have an apology gift to Tom if things...well....turn out as expected. Looking over the property that was once ours, I felt more guilty.
"How could I done this?........Over a stupid chair? ......Over Tom?"
How could they accept me over what I've done?
How can I forgive myself?
What I know for sure that this distorted dream of mine will forever haunt me...

(TomxTord) RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now