Why is Niecy back?

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I was not expecting this message. It couldn't be her. Niecy messaging me after dumping me like 6 months ago? why?

"Troy? You okay?

"Um, yeah... I think... Look Niecy texted me" I said while showing my phone screen to Newt. He also seemed surprised I guess for the same reason I was.

"She texted you? Why?"

"I have no idea."

"Troy please don't tell me you think she wants you back?"

"I don't know Newt, it's just weird. What should I do?"

"I say think straight, and don't rush this. I hope you remember that she broke up with you and she was completely mean and horrible as a girlfriend! It's okay to not have a girlfriend right now, I mean it's probably not a good time for you, but something will come around. Be positive!"

I gave Newt a frowned look, angry and sad at the same time, I looked around and saw mostly couples on dates around me, and I felt a bit weird, I felt lonely, so I thought I should reply to Niecy, I mean how bad could It be?

 Sophie's POV

Having a slumber party with the girls was something I needed for some time now. We got all kinds of junk food, picked 3 movies, got many blankets and gathered in Bella's room. We knew it was one of those nights, just the 3 of us, the tri-five as we called ourselves!

Being with Bella and Pepper sure made me happy even though I felt kinda off!

"I have to say, I missed this, I'm so excited for this sleepover girls."

"I know right, it's been SO long. Now, which movie should we start with? Teen Romance or Action?" Bella added.

"OMG! Pepper slightly screamed "Now that you mentioned teen romance. Did you guys hear? Troy and Niecy were on the movies last night. Melissa texted me, that she saw them acting cute and all"

"WHAT WITH NIECY? I said without thinking too much and then I realized I was actually standing, and I had this weird feeling in my stomach.

"Yes, everyone says they're back together" Pepper said while opening a bag of chips.

That moment was when it felt like someone punched me in my stomach. I don't know what was happening. I sat silent and watched Bella and Pepper talk. I couldn't really listen to what they were saying, but I just stood there and watched their lips moving, I felt lightheaded and sick, I felt like I was having a panic attack, but why? Why the heck was I reacting like this.

"Troy can't be that stupid to get back together with her, I bet they went out as friends"

"Oh I don't know Bella, I mean Troy is stupid enough to get dumbed again"

"I hope he has some self-respect. What do you say Sophie? Soph? Hello?"

Bella's words echoed in my head but I couldn't reply and I didn't even know why, I wanted to call Troy and tell him how stupid he must be if he's actually dating Niecy again, and how stupid I was for being nice, and that after all , you only have to be yourself, because even if you do change people don't appreciate it, and I could see I was mad, mad at Troy... but I wasn't sure why I was feeling that way, such a strong need to tell him he's a victim.

"Um, I don't know, and I don't care. We're making this sleepover for us, and not for Troy"

"Yeah, you're right, this night is supposed to be for us, not for some stupid gossip about Troy's love life. Pepper?"

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