The unsuccessfull date

618 13 16

After the first try-outs, Jason was super successfull at almost everything, and coach was extremely satisfied with his performance, but the rest of the boys in the team don't seem to like him.

At the boys lockeroom

"Okay, okay, I admit it, this guy is really, really good! He can pull off any sports! He showed up out of nowhere, he wants to be in our team, he's taking all the girls, like what's going on?" said Sawyer while he filled his mouth with a huge sandwich.

"Dude you okay with the fact that Pepper likes him, you're not jealous or anything?"

"Who? Me? Jealous? No Troy, I am so not jealous. Pepper and I broke up, we're not together anymore, she can like anyone she wants" and he kept eating his sandwich.

"Unfortunately the only person who supported us, was Sophie and now she will be on a date with him, because of Bella" Troy said while putting on a t-shirt.

"You know maybe if we could sabotage this date, he would be sad, and then we won't be able to do well at the rest of the try-outs, and he won't make it in our team!"

"NEWT! You're a genius! This is what we'll do! We'll make that date a nightmare for Jason! This is his weak spot, he likes Sophie, so since the date won't go well, he will be sad and BAM! Troy said and hit a locker with his fist. "He will fail the try-outs. Now let's figure out a plan to do that, man that boy can't have more girls than me."

Meanwhile at Bella's house, Bella is trying to persuade Sophie to date Jason since he's like the perfect guy.

Sophie's POV

"Bella seriously I don't understand why you're doing this? I said while walking up and down in the living room.

"Sophie he's the perfect guy! And you totally make a perfect couple!"

"Let's just ignore the fact that you're being crazy right now! What about Pepper! She doesn't know anything about this, and if she finds out she will never speak to us again!"

"This will be a secret date, don't worry she won't find out!"

"Oh a 'secret' date, I said while I sat on the couch, next to Bella "And where will this secret date take place?"

"At the Starcade of course" she replied with confidence

I tried to be polite with her, so I spoke slowly "Again where?"

Bella stood still for a second and then got up "Oh god you can't go there, it's always full of people, Pepper might be there actually looking for Jason, we're gonna have to do the date here!"

"At your house?" I screamed!

"Yes, yes I'll ask Sawyer, and Troy to bring me some decoration stuff, and I'll make this the best place for a date!" she said while calling Troy.

Wow she really is crazy

"Hey, Troy, look you owe me for that date I set you up with Jessica remember? So I want you to bring me some stuff to my house" and she covered the phone, looked at me saying

"People will call me the Matchmaker, won't they?"

I smiled to her,cause I really don't want to hurt her feelings she actually thinks this date will be a success , I don't even know, why I said yes to this,Bella Is my best friend, but I can't find anything interesting in Jason and apparently I am a horrible friend to Pepper since she really likes him. If only I could stop this date somehow.

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