Sophie's Problem

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Troy's POV

It was another boring Monday at school, after all that happened on Friday with Jason, Sophie, Pepper and everyone else I was really worried about how things would be at school, apparently I saw Pepper talking to Bella, and Bella apologizing for this whole mess, and even promising her she would set up a date for her and Jason since it didn't work out with Sophie. Sawyer also apologized to Sophie, and bought her free meal, her favorite kind of meal, but he said she didn't seem mad at all with him, which is weird because Sophie is always mad at boys.

After practice was over I was about to call my dad who's overseas, I walked in the janitor's closet, having him on the phone

"Hey, dad, I'm entering the janitor's closet now, I'll tell you what happened today, and...

As I opened the door I saw Sophie sitting in an old bench, and crying,

"Dad, I'll call you in like 5 minutes okay" I said and hang up "Soph, what are you doing in here? You okay? Are you crying?

"No! I am not crying!" she said without even looking up, "Go out and shut the door!"

She was obviously not okay, and she needed help so I closed the door and sat next to her.

"What happened? Are you like that because of the fight you had with Pepper over that date with Jason?"

"What? No, of course not, Pepper and I are best friends, I could never cry 'bout something like this"

"Ha! So you are crying after all"

She finally looked at me the way she always does which is a bit scary, I thought she would yell something at me or punch me, but she didn't.

"You know I haven't seen Louis or Ricky today, what is going on with you guys?"

"Well, they couldn't stop crying either not even able to leave the house "

"Oh, wow this must be bad then!"

She took a deep breath, and wiped her tears, I didn't think she'd tell me what happened but

"Our abuela, last night she wasn't feeling well, she felt dizzy and she couldn't breathe, she almost passed out, so we took her to the hospital, and doctor said she has to stay there for a couple of days, apparently she had low pressure but that has never happened before to her, we were all so worried."

"Oh, don't worry" I said and put my hand on her shoulder "she'll be okay "

"It's just she is always there for us, and now she's at the hospital, and I can't help her, I can't be there, and, ahhhgg, it's just the worst day!!!"

I searched my pocket, got a tissue and gave it to her.

"What's this? she said in her sassy way.

"It's a tissue, you know to wipe your tears, blow your nose, I've seen it on movies, that's what gentlemen do but... if you don't want it" and I tried to put it back in my pocket

She grabbed the tissue fast out of my hand

"Thank you" she said while she whipped her tears.

"It's going to be okay you'll see" and I grabbed her hand without really thinking about it,

She looked at me by lifting her left eyebrow, and she did not look happy with this holding her hand thing "Okay now, why are you doing this?"

"Well, because I'm trying to comfort you, cause um, I mean, it's a gesture that fits in this moment" I saw that she starred at me angrily, so I got my hand away.

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