The play pt2

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Sophie's POV

I was frozen I couldn't realize what has just happened! Me dancing with Jason, NO! This just couldn't happen, after all that happened with him and me, and Pepper and everyone, there was no chance I could be with Jason at the play so I had to get out of it!

"Mrs. Snow, I don't think you've thought this through, who gave you this marvelous idea to make me Jason's partner"

"Newt was the one who gave me the idea and I think it's the perfect match"

"Newt! I turned over to him, he was shaking and biting his nails, "You're dead!" I yelled at him

"Troy do you think I have time to run,

"I'll give you a 5sec head start! I lowered my tone

"you're so generous Sophie " he said while running at the hallway

I chased Newt down the hallway and caught him in the corner I grabbed him from this t-shirt

"Don't kill me please, don't kill me! Show mercy I beg you!

"I'm not really sure, your actions will be the ones to define that! I let go of him and he fixed his t-shirt "Are you nuts, what do you think you're doing you're risking my friendship with Pepper"

"I'm sorry but I had to do it, I couldn't stand the thought of Asha dancing with Jason I was losing her"

"Yeah I know, we all saw that, Newt was looking at me like a puppy, "well he's attractive and Asha

"You want to see me cry that's what you want? he interrupted me

"Well, yes, but you're my friend so I'll help, But! You're going to be the one who tells Pepper about this

"Okay I will, I promise.

Bella and Pepper are talking at the lockers

"Pepper look at you girl, you look fancy today! What's up?"

"Thank you! Well today I will accidentally fall onto Jason when he is walking to class"

"Oh I see, so you really are going for it! Does that mean you're really over Sawyer?"

"Yes absolutely,

"Do you think he is?

"Bella I don't care, I am moving on! And excuse me but I see Jason coming this way

"Oh my god, Jason I'm so sorry

"Oh it's okay don't worry all good! Hey, you look really nice today,

"Thank you" she blushed "So how was the play practice, how is Asha on the musical?

"Amazing, the performance is in 3 days and im so excited, but I'm not with Asha anymore Mrs. Snow "

Newt came out of nowhere and fell onto Pepper, they both fell down in the hallway in front of everyone. Jason helped Pepper get up

"Newt you really need to be careful where you're going man, I have to be in class I'll see you around Pepper"

"Okay, bye Jason

"Pepper are you okay?

"I'm okay Bella, Newt! What do you think you're doing? You just made a fool out of me in front of everyone!

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