Boy drama!

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Troy's POV

I was trying to think straight. I looked at Jason. He was frozen, he gave me a look like Sawyer will flip out.

"I should hide!" he whispered

"No, don't be crazy, we're not five years old, you're not hiding. I'll go upstairs and meet Sawyer, you wait here."

As I was walking up the stairs, I felt a big rock in my stomach. I saw Sawyer standing at my front door all happy. I'm the worst friend ever, how could I do this behind my friend's back, this will create a drama bomb like Pepper would say.

"Hey bro! What's up?

"All good, how's your shoulder?

"One week left.

"We really miss you at football practice. Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out, we could go and feed the baby goat in our barn! "

"Or we could play video games, I paused "With Jason."

"With who? It was coming, he was ready to flip out.

"He's downstairs, we were playing th-

"What? Jason is here? New kid Jason? That Jason? Jason dating Pepper? Jason?

"I thought you didn't care about Pepper?" I could see he was really mad. Sawyer barely got mad, I don't remember ever see him so furious and bringing up Pepper made it worse.

"Yes, I don't care about her. And this is not the point! Dude. What. Are. You. Doing?"

"Sawyer I can't handle more drama still I'm creating more I think this has to stop. Jason is really a cool guy, once you meet him"

"No I don't want to meet him, and I don't want to see you again either Troy, you should go!"

"Sawyer. I tried not to laugh. This is my house."

"Oh right. Well I will leave then" he pointed a finger at me "Have fun with your new best friend. Jason!"

"Sawyer! I yelled at him as he walked away but it was pointless I knew I was wrong and I knew he wouldn't turn around. This is fucked up

"Wow, what are you going to do now? My sister said when I closed the door.

"Shut up. I'll figure something out!" although I have no clue of what to do, how would things work out now. No more all of us together. They would cool me out just like Pepper.

It wasn't a big surprise when the next day, and throughout the whole week I kept finding notes like "YOU STINK" or "YOU BETRAYED US" in my locker. Next week right when my shoulder got fully healed then, goat poop. The most disgusting thing that Sawyer could do. He literally smeared goat poop on the front of my locker. I wouldn't like to picture how Sawyer got them from his goats but the smell was unbearable and I called the janitor to clean it up, I actually begged him, he almost puked on me when he saw it. Everyone at the hallway looked at me as if I was the one smelling and didn't come close, except Bella who approached me with her fingers pressing her nose so she couldn't smell the awful stink

"Wow is that Sawyer's response because you befriended Jason?"

"Yes, he realized the notes were not very confronting, so he decided to do this! It's disgusting, but he probably thinks the same for me. How can I put an end in this Bella?"

"I really don't know, last week Jason didn't show up at practice, because Sawyer told everyone what happened, so no one passed him the ball. It was so sad."

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