Journal #26 No Regrets

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      You are your mother's child and your father's child but you're also your own self. Just like me, I am my own self. Everthing I have done in my life has a purpose whether good or bad. It has a meaning behind it. But no one understand that. No one will get how one person can fuck up some much and continue to fuck up. I don't want anyone to understand though. I am my own self. I am me and no one else. This is my mind there is no one alone who can understand because everyone interupts things differently. 

      A lot of people wonder why I do what do. It's because I'm living. I have never expected life to be like the moives we see or the books we've read. I live my life to the fullest. That means experincing mostly everything. I don't want a boring life. I want a life where I have stories to tell, where I can express all emotions. I like to try things. We didn't just created all those stuff so we can just hear stories about it. No it was meant to be tried. I get I make bad choices. To me life's a joke. Everything I've done its oh whale. I'm done denying the things I've done. I am  who I am. My life journey has not ended yet. So as long as I'm still traveling I'm going to continue to make mistakes. I truly believe all the mistakes we make, make up ones perfection. I also believe everyone is hyprocite. People lecture you or judge you because of your bad choices. But little do they know they have done similar bad things but had a different approach to it. Most reufuse to admit what they have done is wrong. It could not be. We would never know because everyone has a different perspective.

     No matter how many bad things I've done or how people I hurt. I do not regret it. A life full of regrets is not a life you should be living.

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