Journal #5 Confessions

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Trust. Hope. Love. Happiness. All things we feel to be one with humanity. Lies... which is what destroy life. Lies which take away our love ones. So people confess to their lies. Do they do it to make themselves feel better or to make you feel better? I don't know. Why do we confess? Is it to set ourselves free? To show the world we too have faults. To show God that we are not perfect like he wants us to be. To show we are all sinners living in our imagintive beautiful world. Maybe, confessions make us feel like there still is hope. Maybe, it make us feel like this is the first step to a better life.

Its too bad that not everyone confesses. Even if we made one simple mistake the world somehow judges us as if we had created the greates sin of all time. It may have been our faults but we as humans try to make it better. That's all what we are really good for is making things better.

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