Journal #24 Realization

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  Tick, tock, tick tock. It's dark and an desolate life one lives. As one eyes remain close, they continue to hear the soft ticks from the clock. One can become captured as the clock continues to remind them their wasting time. All of the surroundings become oblivious. The ticking is grows louder inside the mind, louder, louder, soon the ticking over rules all other sounds. Then bam, one eyes pry open as they realize they're had been listening to a broken clock for enternity.

  Silence is truly the key to  life. As one remains verbally and mentally silent  they can start to see things and hear things they have never before. Everything becomes noticeable. The life they are living suddenly becomes completely imperfect. Those who remain silent are wiser than most. They are the ones who can easily notices the lies with held in ones. They realize the truth behind everything. One can always have an answer because the with hold unseen/unheard  knowledge. 

  People say  that the girl standing before them isn't really her.  But what they do not that realize that the way  she is now is the personality that has been arisen in her for many years. She is no longer that innocent girl they knew. But she pretended to the girl they thought they knew. After so many years she realize this whole act can longer be kept up. They can know her, name, her story ,but theu will never understand her. Now It's time they realize her true self though.  

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