Journal Entry #2 Alone

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Why is that when I'm alone my mind wanders. Suddenly tears stream down my face. My own conscience frightens me. It plays unwanteed memories that I've tried to forget. But it continues to whisper sweet repeatable words that break my heart.

Why is that when I'm alone reality hits me like a brick. That when I'm alone I realize all my faults. My life is messed up. I lay in bed and stare at a wall for hours as the night slowly fades away. As I sob about the people who left me behind. Why did they? I don't know. Was I not good enough? I don't know. Could I have made them stay? Probably.

However I truly believe I was meant to be alone. To suffer without tears. To live in such a beautiful world but never take in any. There are so many questions to ask but there is no one to answer them. For that reason, I don't know why. Everything is a mystery. A dark lonely mystery.

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