Chapter 41-A Friend prt.2

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Alexandra's- Point Of View

The music pounded through the speakers of the dance studio. I moved my body to the beat coming up with a dance to this song just to get back in the groove. 'For the ones who don't know me I could get a bit crazy have to get my way up 24 hours a day cause I'm hot like that' I hummed the song while dancing.

Shoulder .shoulder .flick pop left .right , drop hit the floor 'I go through guys like money flying out my hands they try to change me but realize they can't' crawl crawl crawl through hand look right left stand up. Leap 'if your gonna be my man than understand I Can't Be Tamed" I paused the song leaning my back against the mirror watching the video I just recorded of the dance. I picked up my head that I was now looking straight across at the wall trying to figure out what the next step would be.

My thoughts drained from my head and now I was just standing there in an empty room only hearing my heavily breathing. My eyes scanned the room which was all red walls and black molding there were 4 speakers on each corner of the wall , ballet bars towards the back of the room and a big front mirror.

My head then traveled over back to the beat of the song I bopped my head thinking of what the next step was going to be. I put the music back on and started from the beginning letting the music move me.

I hit all the right steps even making up a new step by letting the music move me. My ears jolted as my body did too hearing a sudden noise of movement that I didn't cause. I stop the music as I heard the beeping noise go off again indicating someone as entered the studio. I waited a couple minutes not hearing anything else , I turned my head and looked back at my self In the mirror brushing it off I went along and started dancing again. As I danced I kept hearing noises and people talking close by I shut the music off and started to cuss under my breath.

How am I suppose to get back in the groove if I'm getting distracted.I specifically told the owners to keep this place closed for at least 4 hours I huffed. Getting closer to the closed door to open someone already did before I got to it.

"Lex!?" A girl yelled out as a question not knowing who she was there was about anther 10 girls behind her with dance bags in there hand squealing. Words haven't left my mouth because I didn't really know What to say I just gazed at the group of girls who were still whispering "it's Kelsey hello! Did you forget me best friends since what forever!" She yelled pulling me into a hug I wrapped my arms around her realizing it was her.

We pulled away from each other just looking at her she had a bright smile on her face and I noticed how different she looked I'm not sure if it's a good different or bad " you dyed your hair black" it came out more as a question then a statement " yeahh, I wanted a change you know" she walked into the dance room with the group of girls trailing behind her " you didn't change a bit still perfect as ever" I laughed "thanks" I took in more of ever appearance she was still a pale color well not too pale she also has a lip ring she's changed meaning her style she's more on the punk rock style it fits her tho.

I mean I didn't know we were still best friends because I haven't talkin to her in oh so long ago. People just like saying there best friends with a celerity or famous person just to get high standers I guess.

"You should do something with you hair too maybe like cut it shorter or something" I stared at her cock eyed turning my gaze into the mirror looking at my hair 'how could I ever do that to my hair' I spoke in my mind touching my hair which was in a pony tail "yeahhh.... Haha I think ill pass on that" I let a nervous laugh "okay Lexi pexi what ever floats your banana split" I laughed at her Lexi pexi? "Your nuts" I gathered my things together to get ready to leave.

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