Chapter 10-Fame

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         Everything was basically back to normal, I woke up to my dad laughing hysterically it brought a smile to my face. I looked over  at the clock it was  9:40am Justin was still sleeping .I brushed my hair  and teeth and headed my way down satires to see what was so funny, i made it to the first floor and walked in the kitchen

" good morning Alex"  my dad said with a smile on his face 

" good morning " i said  

" good morning to you to" i looked around the Kitchen to see who said that Cameron. what , what was he doing here  especially at this time

" you never told me you two started talking again its been what a year and a half" my dad said , ok so let me give you some back round information on my history of me and Cameron, where do i start , so in 9th and 10th grade and a little of 11th grade me and Cameron went out obviously , i was famous and everything was going really well between us my dad loved him sometimes Cameron would just come over to hangout with my dad and his parents where in love with me. We where the couple who did everything together travel the world and  what not all the cute lovey dovy stuff  i was surprised that the paparazzi didn't really get into my relationship with him, i even lost my virginity to him in 10th grade , yeah yeah i was young. The reason why I  broke with his was  because it was getting hard for me to keep a relationship with him , the fame was getting in the way and in a 11th grade i broke up with him. It was so hard, he texted and called me everyday for 3 months , i just wouldnt answer and i know if i did i would just lose my mind ,i cried about it alot but i've moved on and my career helped me with it but for Cameron on thy other hand he really hadnt had a girl freind since he had one for 2 weeks but broke up with her because of me and i felt terrible, and now here he is. 

" what are you doing here' i said stealing a strawberry from him with whip creme on it  , I realized what i did  , this use to be our snack we ate it all the time , Cameron was looking down at the bowl of strawberries and looked back up at me with a small smile 

" you remember don't you" he said while holding a strawberry in his hand and my dad wasn't paying attention 

" y-yeah i do' i said and took the strawberry form his hand and ate it we both smiled at each other

" just like hold times huh" he said eating a strawberry , did he still love me? i remember he told me he could never stop loving me whatever i just brushed it off 

" just like old times" i said and put whip creme on his face his eyes widened 

" you did not" he said while wiping the whip creme off

" oh but i did"  he took whip creme and through a little at me 

" Cameron!" i yelled  and threw it back , why do i always end up in a wip creme battle , we where running around the kitchen throwing whip creme at each other and laughing  , wait where did he go he was no longer in thy kitchen he took me by surprise and wrapped his arms around my waist 

" i think i won" he said in a  whisper 

" no you didn't" i through more whip creme at him after about  10 minutes we stopped because  of how tired we got , the maid came and and cleaned the mess i felt bad cause i piratically made the mess so me and Cameron where helping her. 

" you guys dont have to help"  Jade (maid) said with a smile

" i know , but i want to" i said with a smile 


                      I opened my eyes and looked over at the clock it was 10:40am, i was sleeping in Alexandra's  room but she wasnt next to me. I walked down the satires down to the kitchen before doing anything i looked over into the kitchen i saw  Alexandra and some kid who was he? He was making her smile and laugh , who the hell was this kid. I walked around the house trying to find scooter , he was in his office i walked in and  took a seat 

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