Chapter 20- Party

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(Alexandra's red dress on the side ----- picture)


            "Alexandra time to wake up" i heard Cameron sing " but i dont want to" i groaned and leaned my head up against his chest " come on now its 3:33pm the party is tonight and dont forget the after party" Cameron said i shot up from the bed "its 3:33 " i yelled " why the hell didnt any one wake me" i asked " i just woke up to dont worry a couple others are still sleeping" i layed back onto the bed just starring at the ceiling.  " you ok" Cameron asked i feel like everyone's just worrying to much about me i sighed "im fine, im not getting out of bed until 4" i brought the blankets closer to me " nether am i" Cameron came closer to me and we cuddled together.

 "Alex come on its 4:10" i groaned " its just one of those day's i  just don't wanna get out of bed" i looked back over at Cameron , "um Cameron what are you doing" i said as he picked me up out of bed " Put me down" i was hitting his back "never" He yelled and ran around the room "Cameron" i yelled " ok ok" he put me down and went over to my suit case " you should wear this out during the day and this dress for tonight"  he has good taste in my clothing " ok now turn around let me get changed" i demanded  " you make it like ive never seen you in your bra or underwear or even naked" he laughed i shook my head with a smile on my face " remember when i use to come over early like 11 in the morning and you where always in your bra and underwear because you never knew what to wear"  he said we both started laughing holding our stomachs 

" i remember" i said while taking my clothes off at this point i dont even care, Cameron was right i got changed in front of him like billion's of time's "Cameron watch out" i through my shirt at him and giggle " oh you think that's funny" he said i nodded then through my pants at him now i was left with my bra and underwear on. Oh no he walking towards me i backed up "Cameron no" i ran around the room as he was trying to catch me " i need to get changed" i yelled  he stopped and looked at me " oh well - well thats to bad"  i opened my mouth in form of an O and i was standing on the bed throwing pillows at him " dont come near me" i said and before i could blink Cameron was hovering on top of me " gotcha" he laughed and started  tickling me "C-Cameron S-S-Stop P-please C-Cameron" i yelled " just say the magic words" think think Alex what where the magic words oh how can i forget    "Cameron is soo sexy" i said in a sexy voice and with that he let go of me " good girl" he slapped my butt " hey dont touch me" he laughed  


" where have you guys been" Drew asked " sorry we over slept" i felt a smile tug on my lips " is there something going on between you too" Kels asked as Drew and Carson's heads turned " no not  that i know of" i said why would they think of such a thing " well i haven't really spent anytime with Alexandra so Alex wanna hangout with me today" Carson asked i wasn't gonna turn him down i love hanging out with him " sure where to" i asked " where ever you want" i thought about it " you teaching me how to play baseball"  i smiled "fine by me lets go"  after about 10 minutes Carson and I made it to the baseball field i changed into sneakers my dance shorts and a sports bra  " is this  appropriate to wear for baseball" i asked " well it is hot out here i guess so , ok lets start off by holding the bat"

Carson put the bat in my hand and he was showing me what to do but i was so confused " ok here like this" he came behind me and  put his hands on my waist " you feel the motion" he asked " yeah i feel it"  i answered  " ok now when you swing you gonna feel you upper body , like this" now his hands where  below my chest on my ribs moving them so i would feel the motion  " ok good im gonna help you with your first swing" he hands where on the bat with mine and our body was pressed against each other  " and swing"   wow that was pretty easy    " now you try by your self" i swung the bat and did the motions he told me to do " see it wasn't that hard" He said with a smile

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