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To further understanding the story, I would like to explain some places, events, and times.

Kingdom of Ashur : A very big kingdom. Considered to be the richest kingdom in the Eastern Land. The entire Kingdom was covered with dessert, though there's parts with mountains, rivers, lakes as well. There's sea and beaches as well on the northern part of the kingdom.

The Kingdom of Ashur, and many smaller kingdoms around it, worshipped the Emseith gods.

There is eight big gods and hundreds of smaller and provincial gods.

The big gods:
1.Nakarai. The King of the gods, the protector of Heaven, god of fatherhood, the skies, and the sun.

2.Meveia. The Queen of the gods, wife of Nakarai, the goddess of motherhood, family and marriage.

3.Thenhu. The god of the underworld. Lord of the death and judgement, ruling over the underworld. He's also the god of Earth and fire.

4.Helsi. Goddess of Fertility, nature, hearth and harvest. Consort of Nakarai. She had a bad relationship with Meveia because of that.

5.Jurr. The god of war, prophecy, forges and courages. All warriors and soldiers worshipped him.

6.Taranai. Goddess of Love, beauty, sex and healing. Consort of Jurr, she was said to be the most beautiful among the gods, and no mortal who have seen her would be able to speak, for her beauty would stunned them.

7.Enkai. The god of divine law, wisdom and strategies. He's the one who scholars and kings wished to looked up to, in order to gained his wisdom.

8.Banaa. Goddess of the wilderness, hunts, maidens and animals. A powerful goddess taking the form of a young girl at the age of twelve most of the time, she had sworn to never lay with anyone, and remained as a virgin.

The Ashurian :
The race : Because of a lot of wars and marriage between countries in the past, Ashur have many different races of people, even the royalties.

The Society :

Men : Men are considered the leaders of the society, and are allowed to take wives and consorts as much as they pleased, as long as they are able to take care of those women. Homosexuality is unthinkable.

Women : The Ashurian women actually enjoyed more privileges than other women in other countries. They are allowed to have full education, as long as they can pay, and they are allowed to have jobs as well. They could only marry one man, though. Or they can be a consort, and leave the man if he can no longer provides them. There's three Queens regnant already in the Kingdom of Ashur.

Prostitution and slavery : both are legals. Visiting whorehouse or having slaves are legals and normal.

The timeline of this story :
This story would be told by Nein's point of view, from his young teenage time until his adulthood. There would be some time loops/jumps from one year to another.

If I were to compare the timeline of this story with real world, this would be on somewhere in 1000 BC.

Ps. I'm sorry for any grammatical mistake in this story. Please helped me fixed it in the comment section

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