Chapter 12: (9-1-2017)

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the next few days are spent trying to teach this new leopard about the pridelands and why it is important the outlanders continue to maintain the herd balance and the circle of life. during this time Kovu attempts at his best to convince King Simba that he is worthy of being a pridelander.

Neema introduces Mwamba to the individual hyena and then to the vultures and then she takes him on his first trip to the pridelands escorted by mazingo. They travel all the way to pride rock to meet with Simba.

"Your majesty." Neema calls as she approaches a group of lion's on top of pride rock. "if you have a moment to spare i would like to introduceMwamba." 

"i have a minute." Simba replies turning to face the leopards. "it isn't often we get visited by leopards around here. I am Simba, King of the Pridelands."

"i'm Mwamba." he replies with a smirk. "i was told great things about you."

"well i'm glad to hear it." Simba nods and then turns his attention to Neema. "i don't suppose your here because of the great gathering?"

"great gathering?" Neema questions.

"oh so you didn't know about the savannah summit?" Simba questions. "the gathering of the leaders from each tribe to speak openly about their needs and make agreements with other herds. i was going to invite you as a representative of the outlanders since you have done such a great job collecting them and organizing their chaos."

"i would be honored to attend for the outlanders King Simba." Neema bows respectfully.  "if it'd be alright i would like to bring Janja with me."

"well i don't see why not as long as he behaves." Simba replies with a small frown. "the gathering is a peace conference. Make sure he knows this before he comes."

"yes sir." Neema nods. "i've only organized the outlanders Janja still gives the orders to his hyenas. I'm sure he will be on his best behavior."


"NAH UH NO WAY!" Janja growls pacing in the dust of the outlands. "i will not bow down to the food at a peace conference." 

"but Janja..." Neema replies. "you can't expect the pridelanders to believe we've changed if you don't give it a shot."

"not a chance!" Janja growls. "i'v done a lot of things i said i would never do but i won't let food boss me around."

Neema raises an eyebrow. "i think you might be misunderstanding the point of the summit. Even the crocs leader attends the gathering."

Janja pauses letting his previously stuck of fur lay flat again. "the crocs?" Janja questions turning to Neema. "but crocs don't answer to anybody."

"it isn't about answering to anybody or even being bossed around. it's about working together to solve the issues that face each herd or pack... for your pack Janja that would be the very little amount of food you are allowed to eat. You can use this opportunity to figure out which herds are oversized and get permission to thin the herds out a little. Part of being a predator is hunting to maintain the ecosystem and balance of the pridelands. That order would be upset if there was more animals then there was food for them to eat."

"your absolutly right." Janja replies having paused again for more thought. "so... i was willingly invited to this, gathering thing, by the king? since when does he care about us in the outlands?"

"well i was invited and asked if i might bring you along." Neema replies. "it'll be good for everyone."

"and what about your man leopard friend?" Janja scowls.

"he'll stay here and watch over things while we're gone." Neema replies.

"fine... when is this meeting anyways?" Janja questions.

"um..." Neema looks up at the sky. "they've probably already started but it lasts till night so we still have time to get there."

"well better get a move on then." Janja replies and pads his way towards the border.

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