Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It's halfway through the week and Jessica still hasn't talked to me. She's mumbled a few words here and there but i've yet to hear a sentence leave her mouth. It used to bother me but now it doesn't. We're two girls, freshmen in college, and if this is how she wants to act then so be it. I told her what Collin said to me after class on Monday about forgiving me and inviting me to the party and it only seemed to make her more mad. I decided to ignore her and move on with my life.

I sneak over to Dean's apartment Wednesday and Thursday night. When I get to his apartment Thursday, we're laying in his bed and watching Must Love Dogs on his tv. He popped a bag of popcorn that we've been chewing on since the beginning of the movie. Of course there's been some interruptions but I don't mind.

Dean picks a piece of popcorn out of the bag and pops it into my mouth. I can feel the warmth radiating off his body as I lay against his bare chest. I'm in one of his t-shirts and my underwear. The heat coming from his body makes me warmer as it mixes with the heat from my nervousness. I'm always nervous around him. He's so freaking hot.

His brown hair is in a mess right now from my hands and his scruff adds to the attractiveness I find in him. I stare at him with a smile as I take in his beauty and his head turns slowly to me, revealing the smile of his own. "So where do you want to go this weekend," he asks me. "Santa Monica? Laguna? I know they're a drive, but I know some great places there that will keep us hidden."

I hesitate to answer, I still haven't told him about Collin's party. I know he's going to get mad which is why i'm waiting to tell him, i'm scared at what the reaction will be. 

"Um, actually..." I start. Dean shifts in the bed and narrows his eyes at me. "I, uh, have plans tomorrow night..."

"With who?" He asks. His voice is edgy, it makes me cringe.

"I'm going to Collin's party..."

"Dammit, Claire!" He shouts, causing me to jump. I instantly get defensive, a trait I definitely got from my mother.

"What?! I'm doing this to protect us. If I keep distancing myself, they're going to catch on at some point."

Dean bites his lip and shakes his head. "No, they're going to think you don't want to hang out with them and that's normal--" he pauses for a moment and then slams the bed with his fist. "Dammit, that prick's in a fraternity too."


"Don't Dean me, do you know what goes on at a fraternity party?" he then begins to number his list with his fingers, holding them up one by one with each example. "Drugs. Roofies. Rape. I can go on."

I stare at him in disbelief, also anger, and slightly shake my head at him. "You're being ridiculous."

"And you're not going."

I cock my head at him. "I'm not going? Who are you? My dad?"

Dean grows a proud, smirky expression and sits up straighter. "Someone has to be since you're acting so childish."

I jerk the covers off of me and stand up, facing him still in the bed. "How am I--" I pause to take a deep breath. "I'm going to that party. End of discussion."

With that, Dean says nothing. I grab my purse off his bedroom floor and run out of his apartment. I halfway expect for him to come after me but he doesn't. A part of me doesn't care, he can't control me, but the other part... the other part of me is freaking out that we just got into a fight. He's being so possessive and controlling. We aren't even "official" and he's acting like he owns me. Something about that doesn't settle with me.

I make it to my car with my speedy legs and drive back to campus. When I get back to the room, Jessica is lying in bed asleep so i'm quiet as I change and brush my teeth. As I climb into bed and plug my phone into my charger, i'm saddened at the fact that Dean never texted me or call me. I internally debate on texting him to let him know that i'm back and safe, but I don't. 

It's hard to fall asleep but after lying in bed, staring at the ceiling for almost thirty minutes, I drift off into a peaceful slumber.

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