Chapter Nineteen

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Thursday passes by for what feels like forever because of the anticipation for Friday.

I wake up to a text from Collin on Thursday morning and it makes my stomach sink with regret.

COLLIN: Hey :) are you feeling better this morning?

I sigh and type a quick response.

ME: Much. Thank you!

I'm hoping that would be the end of the conversation but my ringer goes off again in a matter of seconds.

COLLIN: Would you like to reschedule our dinner plans for tonight or is it too short of a notice?

I bite my bottom lip as I think of something to text back. I don't want to lie to him but I also don't want to hurt his feelings. It's funny how all of sudden the attraction I had for Collin is gone. Sure, I still think Collin is a very attractive guy but compared to Dean... there is no comparison. 

ME: I would if I could but I have a lot of homework tonight.

COLLIN: Damn. I was really wanting to see you. Guess I'll see you in Brit Lit tomorrow then! :)

I cringe. That's going to be an awkward class.

ME: See ya tomorrow!

I put my phone up and get ready for my Thursday classes. Luckily, my phone doesn't go off again.

The classes I have before Brit Lit on Friday go by slower than Thursday. When it's time to go to Brit Lit, I feel my heart start to race and I grow with nerves. I am so excited to see Dean.

To keep things normal, I arrive at my normal time and see Collin sitting in his usual chair. He flashes me a big smile and I smile slightly back at him. Collin watches me walk over to the seat beside him I usually sit in and I keep my head down as I take my time grabbing my things out of my book bag.

"You look really pretty today." I hear Collin say.

"Thank you." I reply, giving him a quick smile. 

I know I look good, I dressed like this on purpose. I curled my hair into loose waves this morning and put on a white sundress with brown Steve Madden sandals. I'm still tan from this summer I spent on the lake which gives me a glow that looks incredible with this dress. I even applied some makeup on this morning and was surprised when I looked at myself in the mirror. I liked the way I looked and was hoping Dean would like it to even though if he does i'm sure I won't be able to tell since we'll be in class.

Speak of the devil, Dean - Professor Underwood now - walks into class with a slight smile. This is the first time i've seen him smile as soon as he steps in. His eyes skim the class before he finds me and he pauses. I watch his eyes slightly widen and something inside me stirs. Maybe it's the way he's appreciating the way I look and trying to be sly about it but whatever it is, makes me hot.

I feel pretty. I watch him start to walk to the podium and he tugs at the collar of his white button up. After clearing his throat, he takes a deep breath and steals a quick glance at me. I feel myself blush and I push some of my hair behind my ear as I look down at my lap. I have to keep this under control, especially in here beside Collin.

Professor Underwood starts to pace around the front of the class with his hands on his hips. I can tell that he is doing his best to avoid looking at me. He clears his throat and says, "Good afternoon, everyone." and every word after that is a blur to me. I stare hopelessly at him even though he doesn't look at me. In my mind, I think of his lips pressed against mine and the way his hands wrapped perfectly around my waist.

My stomach starts to flutter with thousands of butterflies the more I think of him and what happened between us. Professor Underwood steals a glance at me briefly and I see the corner of his mouth curve upward slightly before he looks away. Ugh, he makes my heart flutter too. 

The class goes by fast and i'm snapped into reality when I start to hear book bags zipping up and see people leaving the class. Oh shit, it's time to go.

I try to take my time with putting my things away so I can be the last one to leave but Collin lingers with me. It's slightly annoying. I try to pay him no mind to see if he gets the hint but he doesn't. Professor Underwood is fidgeting with his papers too and I see him eye Collin before looking over at me. I slightly shrug before Collin sees me and smiles. I give him a fake smile back and come to the conclusion that he's not going to give up. Looking at Dean, I try to give him an apologetic look but he doesn't look up from the podium.

Walking out with Collin, I feel defeated inside and know that i'm going to have to do something about this before it's too late. I know Collin likes me and I have to tell him how I feel before things get more complicated than they already are.

"So there's another party this weekend. You coming?" He asks. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. All it is with him is partying, partying, partying.

"I don't know yet, I might go home and see my family." I tell him. He nods his head.

"Well if you decide to stay here, you should come." He says smiling.

"I'll think about it." I tell him before walking off. I feel him watching me from behind and I feel slightly guilty for being a little rude. I know he's probably standing in confusion right now but I can't be too nice anymore, that will only make it worse.

I go straight to my dorm to put my things up and get ready to go back to Dean's apartment tonight. The closer it gets to eight o'clock, the more nervous I start to get. Luckily for me, Jessica has made other plans with Chelsea and she's out of the room again while I get ready. I don't do much, just touch up my hair and makeup before changing outfits. I take my dress off and put on a pair of white ripped shorts with a red tank top. I heard red was a sexy color or something like that.

When it's seven-ten, I start to walk to my car and drive over to Dean's. Parking in the same spot as last time, I get out and walk in the building. This time, he's not waiting on me. I get in the elevator and take it to his floor while sending a text letting him know i'm coming up while I wait, each second that goes by adds to my nervousness.

I get off the elevator once it stops on Dean's floor and walk to his door with shaky legs. My heart is pounding and I take a breath before knocking. 

Everything happens faster than I can blink.

Before I know it, hands are on me and i'm being pulled into the apartment fast before my back connects with his now closed door, and my eyes are staring into the hunger of Dean's.

The ProfessorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon