Chapter Fourteen

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Not only does the weekend fly by again, every day is spent with Collin and by the end of Sunday, I have forgotten all about Professor Underwood. 

Saturday we have dinner at a nice Italian restaurant before going to the movies to watch Baby Driver, and on Sunday, we go into town to do a little shopping and we end the night at a coffee shop talking about life. When he takes me back to the dorm, my stomach sinks at the thought of leaving him. Collin and I have fun together and it's easy to talk to him. He's someone that makes me laugh and his intelligence is super hot. When we're standing at the door of my dorm saying out goodbyes, I inwardly pray that this is the day he kisses me. Collin gives me a quick hug before leaving and I feel disappointed, wondering what it is i'm doing wrong to make him not want to kiss me.

It was a weekend that left me feeling bubbly, giddy, and looking forward to spending more time with him. We text throughout the day and knowing that I get to see him in class tomorrow makes me even more excited.

When Monday comes and it's time for Brit Lit, I walk to the English hall with a smile on my face. I'm eager to see Collin and once I step into the room, our eyes instantly find each other's and we both smile. I walk over the empty seat beside him and sit down. He's starting to make me nervous and give me butterflies. The more I spend time with him and talk to him, the more attracted to him I become.

"You look pretty today." he says with a smile. I blush and push a strand of my brown hair behind my ears. I used to dress rather sporty in high school and wear athletic pants and a t-shirt every day but ever since the beginning of college last week, I wear cute outfits the majority of the time. Hearing this compliment from Collin definitely makes the extra effort of waking up early worth it.

"Thank you." I tell him with a smile.

"Want to come over tonight for dinner?" he asks. I look at him questioningly.

"At the frat house?" we've yet to spend time together there alone outside of a party. Usually when Collin asks me to do stuff with him we go other places.

"Yeah," he shrugs. "I'll cook us dinner. A lot of the guys are taking evening classes or doing intramural football so the house is more empty during the week."

Collin cooking me dinner? The thought of that is cute to picture. I picture his tall body standing at a stove stirring a pot of whatever it is he's cooking while I sit at the counter and watch him as we talk about our days and get lost in easy conversation.

"I'd love that." I say with a smile. 

Collin opens his mouth to say something else but a loud pop noise silences the classroom and makes us all jump. The source of the pop comes from the front of the classroom where Professor Underwood is standing beside a table where a stack of papers are scattered on top of it. He must've thrown them down hard.

His face is stern and emotionless. This is the first time seeing him after that last Wednesday and mental pictures of that incident start to run through my mind. I start to feel where his hands were on my body and my heart starts to race. Did he slam the papers down because he heard Collin ask me to dinner and it made him jealous?

I'm so ridiculous. I really need to drop this class.

Professor Underwoods dark eyes find mine and he holds my stare. I feel like he's singling me out in front of everyone and I start to feel hot in my seat. His gaze is intimidating and it makes my heart beat faster. I feel like it's going to pump out of my chest.

After an awkward silence and still not breaking eye contact with me, Professor Underwood clears his throat and says, "Let's begin."

We spend the first ten minutes having a discussion about the chapters we read for homework in Pride and Prejudice. Professor Underwood started off the discussion but it pretty soon turned into the same three people going back and forth until he stopped it to show a part of the movie.

When the fifty minutes of class ran out, Professor Underwood turned on the light and dismissed us. I stand up from my desk and put my book bag over my shoulders and start to walk out of the room with Collin.

"Miss Holbrook, a word." Professor Underwood says.

I stop walking and Collin looks at me funny. It feels like this man is always stopping me after class by saying the same thing. Miss Holbrook, a word.

I replay the words over and over in my head while smiling at Collin and telling him i'll catch up with him later. My heart starts to race again when i'm left alone once more with my professor. The funny thing about this is that i'm not scared to be alone with him, i'm intrigued. I went the whole weekend without thinking about him and now that he's in front of me again, I want his touch on me. The heavy attraction I had for him when I first saw him comes back faster than my feelings for Collin developed.

As I look at him, I wonder if he's thinking about Wednesday too. This talk is probably him telling me to keep my mouth shut and never tell anyone what happened with us. I wasn't going to tell anyone anyways but I guarantee that's what this is about. I figure he might tell me to also drop this class which is something I know I have to do. I can't look at him and control my mind. Even standing in this classroom the sexual tension between us is intense and I wonder if he can feel it too.

He walks by me fast to shut the door before rushing back over to me. 

He closed the door to the classroom? This is is even more riskier than being alone in his office.

"This has to be quick." he says lowly.

What has to be quick? What is this? I don't respond but I narrow my eyes at him in confusion.

"I need you to meet me tonight at this address," before I can ask what address, he quickly adds, "Pull out your phone."

I pull out my phone fast from my book bag with shaky hands and open the notes app. What is going on? He gives me an address to type and I can't help but wonder where the hell he wants me to go and why.

This is all too weird. He's my professor and i'm agreeing to meet him. Does he not know how wrong this is? And illegal?

I look back up at him after turning the screen of my phone off. His hard expression has softened some and I watch his eyes fall from mine to my lips. Mmm, his lips.

"Be there at nine." he instructs.

I can't respond. 

He quickly rushes back to the door and opens it, leaving the room.

What the hell?

This man is confusing. He's dark, mysterious, and I just agreed to meet with him God knows where. This is dangerous and wrong but I don't care. I'm a different person around him and the rush he makes me feel when i'm close to him is a high for me.

As dangerous as it is, I can't help but love it. It's a rush and a risk i'm more than happy to take.

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