Chapter Sixteen

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I don't hesitate to step into his apartment. In fact, my body reacts instantly to his words. This isn't right, this isn't right, this isn't right... I keep telling myself how wrong this is but surprisingly, nothing feels alarming. There's no "red flag" feeling inside me.

When I step into the apartment, I keep my back to him and I look around. His place is so clean. The lighting is dim which gives it a cozy feel. Straight back is the living room with windows that stretch from the ground to the ceiling and I make my way back to them. There's a view of downtown through the windows and the view is beautiful with all the lights at night. I watch the cars drive on the street and people walking on the sidewalk until I hear his voice behind me, making me jump.

"This is my favorite thing about the apartment; the view."

I don't turn back to look at him as I say, "It's beautiful."

We're both silent as we stand and look at the nightlife below us. I feel his presence behind me and it makes my skin start to feel hot. I turn back to look at him and instantly see him looking at me. "Why am I here?" I ask in a whisper, unable to fully speak. He takes a step towards me and my breathing hitches. 

I can smell his cologne. The smell alone is enough to increase my attraction towards him. 

He raises a hand and places it flat on the window beside my head. "Because I," he does the same with the other hand, locking me in place. "Can't get you off my mind." he whispers, looking directly into my eyes.

I melt.

I catch a breath and feel my stomach instantly flutter with thousands of butterflies. I whimper slightly and my legs buckle. Did he really just say that? Wether it's sexual or not, hearing him say he can't get me off his mind stirs something in me. It leaves me speechless. 

His dark eyes look down at my lips and he bites his bottom lip, making me feel hotter. I can read his thoughts without him saying anything and I wish that whatever his thinking, he would do.

Dean pulls one of his hands off the wall and grips my chin lightly. He brushes my bottom lip with his thumb without looking away. His gentle touch and sensualness right now are making me start to pool between my legs. My skin is starting to ache and tighten at the need of feeling his hands on me. 

"Your lips..." he whispers while continuing to gently brush it. I feel his other hand grip my waist. "Your body..." his eyes slowly climb back up to my eyes. "It's like a craving."

God, this man. 

The words he's saying right now are unlike anything i've ever heard before. 

I grab the back of his head and pull myself closer to him, crashing my lips onto his with a force that event takes me by surprise. My hands both fist his hair and I feel his arms wrap around my waist tightly. He pulls me close to him as if he can't get enough of me, like my body being pressed firmly against his isn't enough to satisfy him. 

The kiss is forceful, intense, and hungry. He starts to walk backwards and I don't open my eyes. I trust him and wherever he's leading us. Right now, i'm only focused on this insanely hot kiss.

Professor Underwood - Dean - moans into my mouth as he continues to lead us backwards. I hear a door open and something inside tells me we're in his bedroom. My assumption is proven to be correct when he spins me around and my back lands on what feels like a mattress. I see him climb on the bed to hover over me before his head quickly dips down and his lips are back on mine.

He's kissing me hard and fast while his hands roam my body. They start from my thighs and run up to my waist, slightly lifting my shirt for me to feel his hand on my skin. The contact makes me gasp and his hands travel upward, palming my breast. His fingers pinch my nipple and I moan into his mouth. I start to ache in between my legs but when he pulls away from me fast, I moan and sit up abruptly. What the hell?

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