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                As we trek through the woods towards Nathan's house I'm beginning to notice something doesn't seem right. Every time I move my head I feel a little dizzy and the world seems to tilt a little. It's becoming very disorienting. I was a little off balance before I thought it was just because I was stiff. Now, I'm not so sure. North walks in front of me leading the way. I stare at his feet watching him move to keep myself grounded. Luke keeps chatting to whoever seems to be listening as we continue walking. Was Nathan's house this far away before?

".... don't you think so, Sang?" asks Luke. It takes me a second to realize he's talking to me.

"Huh?" I ask trying to remember what he said. Too late I realize I am not focusing on walking anymore and feel something snag my foot. I pitch forward but suddenly there are strong hands grasping my arms keeping me upright. I look up and meet North's eyes wincing a when he grips my bruises tighter. "Thanks," I say slowly but he just keeps staring into my eyes but not in a romantic sense. It was more investigative like he could find every single secret, every single thing I keep hidden just with his eyes. I try to blank out my face but can't seem to keep it up right now.

"Whoa, Sang, you okay?" asks Luke stepping up beside North.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply softly. My voice sounds weak even to me. Luke seems to believe me but North just continues to investigate my face. I have a slight urge to boop his nose or to shout something to see if it even fazes him but I hold it in.

"Kota, something's wrong," states North finally glancing away from me to look at the others. I shake his arms off and stand on my own in front of him.

"I'm fine." I go to take a step forward to prove it but of course the world just has to tilt on me again. I stumble slightly to the side, right into a hard chest. I look up and this time see Kota holding me. His eyes stare down at me concerned.

"No you're not. You can barely f***ing stand now!" exclaims North. I flinch slightly at the volume.

"North," Kota reprimands his voice calm but icy cold. He turns his attention back to me and slowly helps me straighten back up.

"Sang, what's wrong?" he asks the ice completely gone replace by warmth and concern. It was a bit of Jekyll and Hyde moment. I try to blank out my face again but it's not working. I look up and meet his eyes. The honesty and concern I see in them instantly crumbles any resistance I might have had.

"I'm a little dizzy. It wasn't so bad before but now the world keeps tilting," I answer honestly. I nods and flashes me a small smile telling me he appreciates that I was honest.

"Doc is heading to Nathan's now. He can check it out when we get there," Luke states. I glance over at him just in time to see him slip his phone back in his pocket.

"I don't think you should continue walking. I'm concerned that you might have a concussion," Kota states walking in front of me and turning his back towards me. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion when he squats down. "Climb on, Sang." I look down at Kota and back up at North and Luke. I don't understand what he wants me to do. Climb on him? That seems unlikely. Before I can overthink this anymore, North moves behind me. I feel his hands grasp my hips and gasp as he lifts me off the ground onto Kota's back. Instinctively, I grab his shoulders as he stands up. His hands grasps my thighs holding me up. He jumps a little positioning me higher on his back jarring my injuries slightly making me wince.

"There you go, Cupcake. Wrap your arms around his neck like this," Luke tells me coming in front of Kota grabbing my wrists. I suck in a sharp breath as his hands rub against my cut wrists. He doesn't seem to notice as he positions my arms around Kota's neck. It is more comfortable this way.

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