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Sang POV

My arms and legs had gone numb a couple hours back and the rope keeps cutting into my wrists every time I move but still I can't bring myself to regret meeting the boys. Mother was furious. I tried to tell her I was in the woods but I my voice was nonexistent and she doesn't know sign. She assumed I was seeing a man or selling myself so as punishment she tied me up and locked me in the closet. I don't know how long I've been in here but I know for sure it's been at least a few hours probably more. Who knows when she'll let me out. The last time she did this I was locked in for an entire day because she forgot about me. I hate being locked in the dark. I close my eyes and think of the boys to get my mind off of it.

They were all so nice and caring. No one has ever been that way to me. They didn't pry but I could tell them didn't believe I fell down the stairs. Nathan especially seemed to see right through me. I remember the familiar shadows in his eyes. Is it possibly that I actually found people who understand? I shake my head slightly at that thought. I'm not that lucky.

More time passes and I begin to see some light peak through under the door. It must be morning. I hear the sounds of my mother waking up. I pray she'll remember and let me out. I think my wrists are starting to bleed from the rough rope. The sounds get louder until they stop right outside of the closet. She yanks the door open and looks down on me.

"Get out and go straight to your room. Don't come out until it is spotless," she seethes cutting the rope around my wrists roughly. I nod and hurry upstairs. My legs feel like jelly from being bunched up for so long without any movement. I make it to my room and survey the damage. My wrists are bright red and pretty cut up but the feeling is coming back to my arms and legs so that's good.

I walk over to sit under my window and look outside. It's a gorgeous day. I wonder what the boys are doing right now. I bet they are hanging out like the characters do in my books. They seemed close yesterday. They said they were brothers but I didn't see a genetic resemblance. I wish I had something like that. I lean my head back and sigh. Slowly I drift off dreaming about five knights in shining armor who save me from a wicked dragon. If only.

It is a couple of hours before I wake up. I really need to stretch out my stiff muscles. I slowly stand up, slip on a long sleeve shirt to hide my wrists, and creep outside of my room listening intently. I don't hear anything and slowly make my way downstairs. I glance outside and confirm that the car is gone. She probably won't be back until dinner time. I walk out onto the back porch and sit down in a straddle slowly stretching my achy muscles. I wince slightly at the pain in my ribs but push through it. If I don't stretch then it will only get worse.

Suddenly I see movement in the tree line. I focus on it and all of a sudden Luke appears the same carefree smile on his face, his long locks pulled back in a low ponytail. He looks like he is going to approach me. Oh no, he can't. I shake my head slightly giving him a very serious look. He pauses staring at me. Ever so discreetly I glance up at the camera in the corner of the porch and back to him. He follows my gaze and nods in understanding. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

I slowly stand up and walk in the house only to grab my ipod and speaker and walk back out. I don't see Luke but for some reason I just know he is still there. I slowly make my way into the woods. At the moment I don't care if she punishes me again. Luke was nice to me. I don't really understand it but I want to be around him again. Same with the other boys.

I make my way to the clearing and find him leaning on one of the trees but what really catches my attention is who he brought with him. The guy is about the same size as Luke but he is wearing glasses that frame his green eyes. He is absolutely just as gorgeous as the rest of them. Don't they have any ugly friends? Even though he looks nice and seems familiar, his presence makes me pause.

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