A Report

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Owen POV

Upon Sean's request I schedule a family meeting. Apparently some of the team have met a bird they are all infatuated with. I know that I need to get the whole story before we can move forward. But she must be something special to have over half the team captivated. Currently I am driving to Mr. Lee's house for the meeting. I pull up and notice that I am the last one to arrive. I head into the living room, sit down, and face the other boys.


"Yesterday, Luke and I went on a walk in the woods and we heard some music so we went to investigate. We came across a girl dancing in the clearing. We stayed out of sight and soon noticed that she was crying and appeared injured. We approached and talked her into coming back to my house so that Doc could look at her. She was so skittish we barely got her to come with us." I nod and look at Sean for his input. He sighs and runs his hands through his hair.

"I think she is being abused, Owen. She had been forced to drink lemon juice and vinegar which burned her throat. She couldn't speak and I saw scars that indicated this wasn't the first time. She had cuts on her arms and severe bruising on her stomach. A couple of her ribs were fractured if not broken. I wrapped them the best I could but honestly she should have gone to a hospital." I nod my head taking in everything they are saying. I hear murmured cussing coming from North and Silas, some of it in Greek.

"She barely let you do that. There was no way she was going to go to a hospital. She was so scared. She kept flinching every time we moved," adds Mr. Taylor Sr.

"You said she was dancing with broken ribs?" asks Mr. Taylor Jr clearly getting angrier as the conversation goes on. Mr. Taylor Sr. nods.

"It was a sight to see, even though she was in a lot of pain she kept dancing. I've never seen anyone move like that. We asked why she did it while she was injured and she just said that she had to."

"I think it's her way of coping," adds Mr. Griffin. It sounds that way to me to. If she was that injured I can only imagine the pain she must have been in.

"She's a professional dancer," says Mr. Morgan. I look at him quickly.

"Explain, Mr. Morgan." He runs his hands through his hair staring at the floor.

"Her name is Sang Sorenson. She is well known in the high end community as an amazing dancer. She's been performing at more and more events. She's the girl I informed you about that performed with me a couple days ago."

"Wait, her name is Sang? As in 'I sang a song'," asks Mr. Lee. Mr. Morgan nods. I remember him informing me about her. He was concerned about her living situation.

"You stated that you had seen signs of abuse. Can you elaborate?"

"She was fine at the performance. She barely talked but at least she could. She was there with an older woman. It might have been her mother but I didn't see very much resemblance. I watched their interactions and Sang seemed scared of her. It was hard to tell though. I did notice that the woman gripped her arm hard enough to bruise and practically dragged her out after the performance was over."

"What do you mean it was hard to tell?" asks Mr. Lee.

"Sang's got a blank face that rivals Mr.B's. She kept it up for the most part but every once and awhile there would be a slip and I could see the fear." If the girl is conditioned enough to have an almost perfect mask then this has been going on for a while. It is too much of a coincidence that she met Mr. Morgan at his performance only to run into Mr. Griffin and Mr. Taylor Sr. in the woods.

"Why was she in the woods? Does she live in the area?" I ask. The boys who have met her nod.

"She lives in the house across from Kota's. I don't know how we have never noticed her before," states Mr. Griffin. I don't know either. This girl is a complete mystery.

"Mr. Morgan, I want you to find out anything you can on her."

"I've been trying, Mr. B but I've been running into some trouble." That makes me pause for a second. Mr. Morgan didn't normally run into problems.

"Keep trying. If need be we can contact Mr. Toma's team and see if Mr. Henshaw can help at all, " I state before turning to the rest of the team. "Did she say anything else or indicate at all who might be hurting her?" Sean shakes his head.

"Every time we asked or hinted at it she shut down and just wouldn't respond. She doesn't trust us yet. I would be surprised if that girl trusts anyone at all." He mutters the last part but I still hear it. It could very well be true.

"Mr. Lee and Mr. Griffin keep an eye out and see if you can pick up any of her routines. We need all the information we can get before we make any moves. Especially note her interactions with others. We need to be aware of all the people in her life. Mr. Taylor Sr. I know you will attempt it any way but see what you can find in the house. I don't think I need to remind you to not get caught." He shakes his head. He knows how important it is to remain unseen. "The rest of us will continue normally. Remember to start preparing for Ashley Waters. Hopefully we can settle Ms. Sorenson situation before school starts. I want full updates on any more encounters with Ms. Sorenson and I expect Dr. Green will be contacted if any more injuries are present. Abuse only escalates so we need to remain vigilant." They all nod their understanding. Of the team members that have already met the girl, they all seem completely enraptured by her. We need to settle her situation quickly so that this girl doesn't end up tearing my team apart. 

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