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Sean POV

The next few hours were a blur. Dr. Roberts took over immediately forcing me to stay in the waiting room. My Pookie was in surgery and I couldn't be there for her. I was a mess but it was nothing compared to my brothers. Silas sat staring at the wall in front of him a comforting hand on North's leg which seemed to be the only thing keeping North sane. North sat with his head in his hands. Luke and Gabe sat together, both unusually quiet. Gabe's hand threaded through his hair pulling it slightly as his eyes glistened with tears that he refused to shed. Luke just looked lost not focusing on anything. Kota sat next to Victor counting quietly under his breath while Victor tapped an irregular rhythm on his leg. But their normal coping mechanisms didn't seem to be working. Nathan stood leaning up against the wall, his arms crossed tightly against his chest. His muscles strained as if fighting the urge to punch something. Owen sat next to me seemingly calm and collected but I knew better. I've known Owen long enough to know he was hanging on by just a thread. Our team was lost without her. I wonder how long it will take the rest of them to realize this.

It was a little later when Dr. Roberts finally came back out stating she was going to be fine. The relief in the room was almost overwhelming. I followed him and helped them transfer her to a private room. My heart broke seeing Pookie so broken connected to all of those machines. She looked so fragile and helpless. I focused on making her as comfortable as possible and giving her the best care I could. It was the only thing I could do.

Once she was settled the others were allowed to come in as well. It was heart wrenching watching my brothers faces as. They entered and saw the small girl. It was clear as day they all cared about her but I was definitely curious as to how much.

That brings us to now. My brother and I scattered around the room staring at the girl we all care about. It's been two days since she was admitted and she still hasn't woken up. As you would expect, some of my brothers are on edge because of this.

"It's been two days, Doc! Why hasn't she woken up?" North practically shouts at me. I glare at him tired of answering the same question over and over again.

"She was injured severely. This is her body's way to healing. She will wake up when she wakes up, North." He looks like he's about to say more and I brace myself but he stops when he sees Owen's icy glare. I glance over at Owen and see that he too is sick and tired of the same questions. I understand they are worried but there is nothing we can do now. It's up to Pookie. I haven't told them this but I almost wish she would stay unconscious until she is fully healed. She is going to be in so much pain when she wakes up.

"North, stop yelling. It isn't helping anyone!" Nathan scolds him. I sigh rubbing a hand across my face. Here they go.

"Don't tell me what to do!" The two of them handled stressful situations absolutely horrendously separately but put them in a confined room with each other and just wait for the explosion. They start going back and forth and no one steps in. I glance around at my other brothers Owen looks seconds away from calling hours for life but the others look...lost. I know Gabe will be worried about the hair loss he caused today from pulling. Luke looks lost beside him just staring at Pookie but not really seeing. Kota and Victor have continued their quiet coping methods. Our team lead looks miles away in his head so he won't be helping.

A quiet whimper sounds in the loud room but it is still heard. Instantly the room silences everyone staring at the small girl in the hospital bed. I quickly stand up and make my way to her side.

"Sang, Pookie? Can you hear me?" I ask her checking over her vitals. Painfully slowly, her eyelids crack open first meeting my eyes before immediately finding Nathan and North in the center of the room.

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