The Performance

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Sang POV

I've never been so nervous in my life and it has nothing to do with my mother. I finished practicing a little while ago. The boys never left watching over me every single time I fell out of my turns. I pull my light pink leotard over my tights on groaning both at the pain and the frustration. I can't fall on stage but I can't not do the turns. Mother has these routines memorized if I change one little thing she will notice in an instant and I will pay for what feels like a lifetime.

I barely manage to zip the leotard all the way to my hair line. I prefer other leos more but this is my only one that will cover all of my bruises plus the subtle lace and sequin details are nice. I slip on the matching light pink skirt and my flats before grabbing my bag with everything else in it. I head downstairs only to find Mother has already left. This has happened before but this is the first time I actually have a ride. I see headlights pull up outside and my heart starts racing. They're here. They're going to my performance.

I'm more nervous of what they'll think then what Mother will think which is a pretty big deal considering. I make my way out the front door and head for the vehicle. It's a really big black jeep that I'm pretty sure I can't even jump into and I can jump pretty high being a dancer and all. As I get closer I see North leaning up against the side of it. I pause for a second shocked at the vision in front of me. North cleans up good. He's wearing a black tux with a black tie. I think someone likes the color black.

"Your chariot, baby," he says opening the door for me. I giggle but stop suddenly when his hands grab my sides softly but firmly and lift me into the jeep. I smile and mumble thanks as my cheeks heat up.

"Trouble! I love your f***ing outfit. But you have to let me fix your f***ing hair," Gabriel exclaims from the seat next to me.

"Thanks, and-um sure." He practically bounces in anticipation. Oh no, what have I done?

It only took a half hour for Gabriel to "work his magic". At least that's what he called it. He did manage to cover all my bruises and tame the mess that had become my hair so that in a way is magical. I don't really know much about hair or makeup but the other guys seemed speechless. It made me feel pretty for once.

Now I'm standing backstage and I can't get my heart to stop racing. I've always worried about my mother but I've never been this nervous in years. It's because of them. It almost makes me feel like I do when I dance in the forest. It's more than nerves. I feel...excited for the first time in what seems like forever. And it's all because of them.

I start warming up my muscles masking my winces and trying to get rid of the never ending dizziness. So far I have not been successful. The turns are still a problem but it doesn't matter. I just have to do them. I have to push through. There is not another option.

I feel someone come up behind me. Tensing I turn around expecting my mother. I relax as I take in the dark gray and navy blue suited individuals in front of me. Man, they all clean up nice. Well, it's not much of a change from the usual for Mr. Blackbourne. But the rest of them should think about dressing like this more often. Sean clears his throat drawing my attention up to their faces. I blush realizing I've just been caught checking them out.

"How are you feeling?" Sean asks studying me intently. I don't even need to look at Mr. Blackbourne to know he is doing the same. I can feel his eyes piercing every single crack in my mask.

"I'm fine," I state blinking a few times trying to get everything to focus. Again, I'm not having very much success.

"Miss Sorenson, I do not believe you are," Mr. Blackbourne says.

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