Beginning Position

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**WARNING: Her mother is her mother and Gabriel is Gabriel so there will be some abuse and cussing.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain...

Sang POV


I absolutely dread these events. Mother knows this but she doesn't care. She just likes the money that I make. I begin warming up my muscles in the backstage area. I'm stretching when she finds me. She smiles at me. Immediately I know it's fake. Her eyes are on my like a hawk just waiting for me to make a mistake. Beside her is a tall man with dark hair. If his suit is any indication he is loaded. She practically drags him in front of me. I stop stretching and turn to them.

            "Sang, this is Mr. Edwards. He is the one who put this event all together," mother says to me. Her eyes warn me of the importance of this to her.

            "Pleasure to meet you, Sang. I saw you dance at that event a month ago and just knew you would be perfect for this joint venture," his voice is oily just like his hair. I push down the shudder that runs through me as his eyes stare at me. He reaches a hand out. I hesitate only a moment before I reach out and shake it.

            "The pleasure is all mine," I reply in a quiet voice. There is a script. I look at my mother who is glad I didn't mess up but also disappointed that she doesn't have a reason to punish me. Though that hasn't stopped her in the past. I take my hand back as they begin to talk about the event and payment. I zone out. I love to dance but I hate that my mother uses me for it. I feel like if it continues like this I will grow to hate it.

            "Sang!" her shrill voice wakes me up from my thoughts. I glance up and see that Mr. Edwards has left and that my mother is now staring at me. I can see the anger in her eyes. She grabs my arm tightly and leads me back away from the other people. That will be a bruise tomorrow.

            "You need to focus. This is a very important event so do not screw this up, brat," she whispers in my ear and steps back slightly keeping her grip on my arm. My face is blank. I perfected it years ago. It's a little bit of resistance on my part. I will not let her see how she gets to me or how much she terrifies me. "You will be performing while Victor Morgan plays the piano. Now get ready because you are on in ten minutes." She releases my arm jerking me forward. I walk back to my spot to continue warming up when I hear her call after me.

            "Break a leg, sweetheart," she says loudly for others to hear. It seems natural and nice but to me it has an entirely different meaning. Mess up and I will break your leg. I don't think she really would since I am her sole source of income since my father died when I was little but that doesn't mean she won't punish me in some other way. She can be very creative.

            I finish warming up and head to the wings as the show is about to begin. I'm already dressed with my dirty blond hair pulled back tightly into a ballerina bun and perfect make-up on. It is the only time my mother helps me with anything because when it comes to hair and make-up I am clueless. Besides I think she gets a kick out of pulling my hair so tightly that it makes my eyes water.

Suddenly I feel a presence behind me. I jump around immediately on guard. The boy behind me looks shocked. Crap, I forgot where I was for a second. I look at him and realize I recognize him. Wait, the conversation with my mother earlier is coming back to me. I will be dancing with.... Victor Morgan! I love his compositions. I saw him perform a while back and it was amazing. And now I had just jumped away from him like a freak. I meet his eyes and see concern. Wow, that's new. I give him a faint smile and turn back around. I want nothing more than to talk to him but if I do Mother will see and if she sees....I just can't. Too bad no one tells him that.

            "Hey my names Victor, your Sang right?" he asks stepping up beside me. I flinch internally when he steps forward. I nod my head slightly hoping he will get the hint and go away. "Are you nervous?" Nervous about the performance, no. Nervous about talking to a boy and mother seeing, yes. I nod slightly again my gaze fixed on the stage in front of me.

            "I still get nervous too but not as much as I use to. One time, I threw up I got so nervous. It wouldn't have been that bad but it was on my mom's dress, talk about embarrassing." I can't help but smile slightly at that image. He seems so put together I would have never guessed something like that happened. "There you go, now you're ready," he says cheerfully. Before I could figure out what he meant we are rushed onto the stage. I place myself in the beginning position and wait for the curtain to rise and the music to start. As I wait, I glance into the wings and immediately see my mother. The rage in her eyes is all I need to know that she saw him talking to me and there isn't anything I can do that will save me now. I feel my face go blank as the curtain rises. I really dread these events.

Victor POV

            As I stepped backstage I noticed the girl right away. She being told something by an older woman. What really got my attention was the blank look on her face that could rival Mr. B's. I looked closer and saw that the woman was holding her arm rather tight. It was probably hurting her. Why wasn't she saying anything? Finally the woman walking away only to shout back at her to break a leg.

I watched the girl as she began warming up and realized she must be Sang the ballerina I'm performing with. Suddenly she stands up and makes her way to the wings. I follow hoping to talk to her. I get behind her when all of a sudden she jumps around and looks at me. For a second I see the huge green eyes before she hides them. But beyond the color I see pure fear. I freeze not knowing what to do. I have seen that look in many of my brothers' eyes and even in my own. I think back to the woman. I'll need to do some digging on her later.

"Hey my names Victor, your Sang right?" I ask stepping up beside her. I notice her cringe a little as I move closer. Crap, it's looking more and more like my theory is right. She nods her head very slightly. I almost missed it.  "Are you nervous?" Maybe that's why she isn't speaking. Again she only nods and continues to stare straight out at the stage. Her blank face really needs to go. I want to know what she is thinking so badly. I don't know why I feel so connected to her but I do. 

            "I still get nervous too but not as much as I use to. One time, I threw up I got so nervous. It wouldn't have been that bad but it was on my mom's dress, talk about embarrassing." I see a small smile play at her lips. "There you go, now you're ready." I'm just about to say something else, maybe one of Silas's corny jokes, when we are pushed onto the stage. I sit down at the keys ready to start once the curtain opens. I glance at Sang and see that she has also taken up her position and is waiting. I see her glance into the wings and stiffen. I follow her gaze and see the woman from before staring at Sang. I tense at the cold rage I see in her eyes. Sang finally looks away and I see her blank mask is back in place. Before I can think any more on it, the curtain opens. I take a deep breath and begin the song. I see Sang's movement out of the corner of my eye and look up still playing the piece perfectly.

She is gorgeous. Her body moves like liquid across the stage. She seemed short backstage but here it seemed like her legs could touch the sky as she kicked them up her head. I'm so shocked I almost miss a note. Pulling myself together I continue to play and watch her dance. I notice something. Her movements are passionate but her face is once again a blank mask. When the song ends we take our bows and head backstage. Immediately Sang is grabbed by that woman and dragged out. I am helpless as I watch them go. Immediately I get out my phone and text Mr.B. I don't have proof yet but I know for sure something is going on that is not right. Don't worry Sang, we are going to help you.

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