Déjà vu

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Blackbourne POV

"I have called this meeting to discuss Miss Sorenson," I state looking over my family. We left Miss Sorenson at Nathan's in order to get ready for bed. She exhausted herself today but I wouldn't have changed a thing. It was all worth it to get her to smile. I have begun to notice the feelings of others in the team towards Miss Sorenson. It needs to be discussed before it continues. Though I do fear the repercussions of this talk. I can only see one option that both keeps my family together and integrates Miss Sorenson successfully. This is why I wanted to meet with everyone at Mr. Lee's residence.

"Why? What's wrong with, Trouble?"

"Sang baby better be f***ing okay!" The others shout in agreement. I sigh. This isn't starting well.

"What about Sang?" Mr. Lee asks calmly silencing the others. I meet his eyes in appreciation.

"It has become apparent that everyone here has feeling for Miss Sorenson that go past friendship," I start. No one speaks, each glancing around at the others trying to see if what I've said is true or not.

"Including you, Mr.B?" Mr. Taylor Sr. asks oddly serious. I meet his eyes without hesitation and nod. If I expect them to own up to their own feelings, I must own up to my own.

"So what do we do?" Mr. Lee asks.

"We either all love her or all lose her. I believe the only option is an Anderson team approach," I state calmly and wait. Sure enough some explode.

"We can't just f***ing share her like she's some common wh***!" Mr. Taylor Jr. yells. Mr. Korba pulls him back speaking to him softly in Greek. Mr. Griffin explodes with similar disagreements before being pulled back by Mr. Lee. It takes a while but finally everyone calms back down.

"It's the only way, guys," Mr. Taylor Sr. states. "I can't give Cupcake up but I don't want to lose any of you." I can see the agreement in the others' eyes as well.

"Then gentlemen, it is time to make a plan."

Sang POV

The boys had to go do something academy related so that left me alone at Nathan's. I don't mind though. I'm pretty tired. I change into my pajamas I have stashed here and get ready for bed. I decided to make some hot cocoa before I go to bed though. It helps me relax. It will help until the boys get back. I don't like to go to sleep without at least one of them near.

I grab a mug as the water heats before preparing the delicious beverage. After it is done, I snuggle into the couch wrapping myself up in the blanket. I cradle the mug to my chest as I open my book. The only thing that would make this moment better would be the boys.

I hear a creak in the house but ignore it. Old houses creak. It's probably noth-. I hear it again. Should I call the boys? I reach for my phone on the coffee table but freeze once I hear something that shakes me to the core. Something I thought I was finally free from.

"So your shacking up with some boy like a wh*** now?" I whip my head around but only manage to catch a glimpse of her before something slams into my head and darkness overtakes me.

Blackbourne POV

It didn't take us long to set up a plan. Now the only thing to do is to talk to Miss Sorenson about the possibility of this relationship. My phone ringing interrupts my thoughts.

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