Chapter 20

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Marissa's POV

The truck pulled up in front of a two-story house. It looked like it had a welcoming feel to it. I looked at Damon in question.

"This is my house," he said shyly. "You'll be staying here from now on."

I paled, but nodded anyway. I climbed out the passenger side and waited for the girls to come over to me.

"So," Ellie started. "This is my house."

I nodded.

"Wow," Cassie said. "I like it."

"Yeah, it's cozy," Ellie said.

Wow, you never would have thought they were just taken by Jarred and taken to a cell somewhere in the middle of fucking no where.

"A-Are you two okay?" Livie asked them.

"Fine," Cassie said. "I don't know about you girls, but I want to forget everything that just happened."

"Yeah, me too," Livie and Ellie said in unison.

I looked away and kept my mouth shut. I was too afraid of what would come out of my mouth if I did open it.

"Girls," Damon said walking over to us. "We better get you inside and in clean clothes."

We followed him and the other guys inside. Damon instructed Ellie to give Cassie, Livie and I some clothes. After that, we were to report to the kitchen for food.

"Okay," Ellie said, searching through her closet. We sat on her bed as she looked for clothes for us. Her room was a royal blue color. Her walls were blue, her bed was blue, even her carpet was blue!

Ellie tossed a jean skirt with a green blouse our way. Then, she tossed a purple shirt with black cargo shorts at us. And a pink tank-top with black skinny jeans at us.

I grabbed the cargo's and purple shirt, Cassie grabbed the green shirt and skirt, and Livie grabbed the skinny jeans and pink tank-top.

I took off the now torn shirt Jarred put on me, and traded it for the purple shirt. I slid the cargo shorts up my legs and buttoned them at the top. The clothes fit me perfectly!

"Okay," Ellie said once we were all dressed. She was wearing a pair of blue jean shorts that stopped mid-thigh and a blue shirt that said, 'Lord, Give Me Strength To Deal With All These Idiots!' in black letters.

"Let's go see the boys," she said, walking out the door. I followed after her, not wanting to get lost in her house. We walked down a flight of stairs and walked into the living room. It was modern and old-fashioned at the same time. There was a fire place along one wall, and a Father Time clock along the opposite wall.

There was two couches, each facing the other. In the middle was a coffee table. Alpha Cade, Tyson, Eli and Michael sat along one couch whilst Danny and Damon sat on the other one.

Cassie went to sit next to Michael along with Ellie whilst Livie went to sit next to Danny. I sighed and sat down next to Damon. He immediately wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I did so.

"Okay," Michael said. "Let's cut to the chase. What exactly happened while you girls were in there?"

"Well," Cassie said. "While I was in there, nothing really happened. It wasn't until they showed up that I met Eli and Jarred."

"So, did anything bad happen to you while you were in there?" he asked once more.

"Nope," she said, shaking her head.

"Okay. Ellie, what about you?"

"Nothing really," she said. "Mainly just the usual name calling."

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