Chapter 15

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Damon's POV

I watched in horror as the ceiling caved in and collapsed on Marissa, Livie and Ellie. Everyone screamed and yelled as they watched the girls fall to the ground under all the rubble.

I tried to go to Marissa, but four rouges came at me and started attacking me. I fought them off as they came at me. I was so mad and sad that I shifted and charged at any rouge in my way.

I looked around me to find most of my pack shifted and attacking. I looked at Mark and Ricky trying to fend off two rouges. I charged at the rouges and knocked them away from the guys. I nodded at them and went back in search of my mate.

As I was fending off the rouges, I heard a car starting and driving away. I looked at Danny, knowing that he heard the same thing.

I watched as all the rouges retreated and ran after the car. I started after them but soon lost their trail. I looked around where I was and saw nothing but trees and an old fork in the road. I couldn't smell anything. I couldn't pick up my mate's scent, nor could I get a hold of Ellie.

I shifted back and started attacking one of the trees next to me. I repeatedly punched it, trying to let out all out my anger on the tree instead of one of the pack members.

After a while, I collapsed on my knees and dipped my head to let it fall into my hands that were lying on the ground. I let out a pained scream and started crying.

God, I'm so pathetic. I'm a terrible Alpha. I can't even protect my mate from her ex-boyfriend. God, she'll never want me now.

I felt a hand being laid on my shoulder and knew that it was Danny. I lifted my head and saw his tear filled gaze. I accepted the shorts he held out to me.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. I sat down in front of the tree I was attacking earlier, my back against the trunk.

"Hey," he said, his voice cracking. "It's not your fault. You did everything you could, Damon. No one knew that the ceiling was going to cave in on them. All we can hope for is that they're still alive."

"But what if they're not, Danny?" I said. "I don't know what I'll do if they're all dead."

Danny didn't say anything but took a seat next to me. He bent his knees and placed his head in his hands.

"This isn't what I wanted," he said. "I wanted to tell Livie about werewolves Friday, on our date, not today."

"I know," I said. "I hope they're okay. I have no idea where they could be. Have you gotten a hold of Ellie?"

"No. Not at all. And I've tried."

We sat in silence.

"Damon?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, Danny?" I asked.

"What are we going to do?" he asked.

I blew out a puff of air.

"I don't know," I revealed. "But I'll figure out a way, don't worry."

"Okay. It hurts."

"What does?"

"Being away from your mate. The Elders said it did, but I though they were just over-exaggerating."

"I know."

I stood up and held a hand out for Danny. He looked up at me, his expression breaking my heart. I haven't seen him this sad since mom and dad died. He gripped my hand and hauled himself up.

"I can't lose her, Damon," he said sadly. "Not after losing mom and dad."

"I know," I said quietly. "I know."

My Teacher/Werewolf Boyfriend [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now