Chapter 12

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Marissa's POV

I made sure to wake Livie and I up extra early the next day. We didn't want to run into Mark or any of the guys before school. So, right now, we're getting dressed.

We're both wearing something similar to each other. I'm wearing purple skinny jeans, purple converses, and a black shirt that says 'Some People Just Need A High-Five In The Face With A Chair After Stepping On A Lego' in purple letters. And, Livie managed to tame my curly hair and it now falls in soft curls down my back.

Livie's wearing the same as me, but in pink. And her shirt says 'Three Horrible Facts: 1) Today Is Not Friday 2) Tomorrow Is Not Friday 3) Even The Day After That Is Not Friday' in pink letters. Her hair is strung through a braid that I made kind of wrap around her hair, and falls down her back in soft curls as well.

"Ready?" Livie asked as I finished zipping my shoes.

"Yes," I said nodding. As we were walking out the front door, Livie's phone started ringing.

"Hello?" she answered. She was silent for a few minutes before she blew up. "W-What?!" she screeched. "What do you mean?"

I gave her a confused look as tears started to roll down her cheeks. Without a word, I pulled her to me and hugged her. She cried on my shoulder as she listened to the person on the phone.

"Sure," she said through the tears. "Mary can help, too."

I rubbed her back.

"When?" She paused for a moment before saying, "See you then." She hung up and cried harder.

I sunk to the ground bringing her with me as she cried. She soaked my shirt with her tears and cried and cried until the front door opened and my brothers and Ricky came running out.

"What happened?" Max asked in a rush. "Are you girls okay? What's wrong?"

I gave them a glare and they calmed down. They sat down next to Liv and I, but I could tell they were still tense.

Livie pulled back and wiped her eyes. She gave me a sheepish look.

"You probably want to know what's wrong, huh?" she asked.

We all nodded.

"Okay, that was my mom," she started. "Alec's missing."

I gasped.

"What?" I asked breathlessly. "How? When?"

"I'm not sure," she answered. "He wasn't at school yesterday, and he didn't come home last night. My parents kept trying to call him, but he won't pick up. We don't know where he is."

"Don't worry, Livie," Mason said. "We'll help you guys find him."

We all nodded in agreement.

"You're like another sister to us," Mark said. "If you're sad, we're sad. And Alec's like another brother, and we want to help find him."

"I'll make you a deal, Livie," I said. "I'll do what you asked with Mr. Ryans, if you have hope that we'll find Alec."

She nodded.

"I can do that," she said.

We all stood up and grabbed out book bags. Mark, Ricky, Livie and I headed to school while Mason and Max headed back inside to look some things up.

"Where could he have gone?" Livie cried. Mark wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "What if he's had it with all the bullying and killed himself! What if-"

"Livie," I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. We all know that him killing himself was a high possibility, but we don't want to consider it. "Stop it. He'll be fine, we'll find him. Just have hope." Ricky wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

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