Chapter 1

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"Marissa! It's time to get up!" my mom shouted up at me. I laid in my sweet, comfy bed for and extra couple of minutes before finally dragging myself out of bed and toward my closet.

I looked through my clothes before deciding on a pair of ripped blue jeans, an old T-shirt my brother gave to me that says 'I'm not shy, I just don't like you' across the front in big red letters. My mother hated me wearing this shirt because she knew that it was knew that it was exactly like me. I'm not shy really, I just don't like people. Anyways, I grabbed my book bag and walked downstairs.

As I walked into the kitchen, I stopped and put on my brother's shoes that he gave to me once he grew out of them. They were DC's and all black with purple trimming. I know, why was a guy wearing shoes that had purple on them? Well, he needed them for school to protest some fighting cancer thing. Oh, now I remember, it was for Pancreatic Cancer. Truthfully, I don't know. But since my favorite color is purple, I took them.

I walked into the kitchen to see my big brother sitting at the island, eating some pancakes. My mother looked over at me.

'Shh,' I mouthed, putting a finger to my lips. She gave no signal that she understood me.

"She better hurry up," mom said. Okay, she got it. "Or else she's gonna be late for school."

"Want me to go get her?" my brother, Marcus, asked.

"No, that's okay, but if she doesn't come down within the next thirty seconds, I'm going to drench her in water," mom said. I smiled at my mom and walked up behind my brother quietly. Mom and I love the mess with Mark, so we team up a lot. But Mark and dad get back at us all the time.

We even keep a score. It's currently Girls: 15, Boys: 16. They cheated and got us both at the same time, so we had to give them an extra point.

I put my face near Mark's ear while my mother kept him occupied.

"So, how's school going?" she asked.

"Fine," Mark said. "We're getting a new teacher, though."

"Oh, really? Do you know who?"

"No." I took my chance at their quietness and screamed in Mark's ear.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed. Mark screamed, too, and fell off his stool. Mom and I busted out laughing.

"Point girls," mom said. I nodded and looked at Mark. I lost my smile as he glared at me. It was the way that he looked at me that unnerved me. I ran out of the room, grabbing my book bag on the way, as he got up, chasing after me. I ran out of the house and toward the schoolhouse.

We only lived about five minutes from school, so we walk. But today, we're running. I started slowing down, but as I heard Mark behind me, I sped up. I chanced a look over my shoulder and saw him still chasing after me. He was smiling, but I knew that I was in for it.

I ran into the school, kids moving out of mine and Mark's way. Everyone knew about the game me and my family do. We live in a small town, so everyone knows everyone. And as we ran through the hall, everyone knew that I did a really good joke.

I watched as everyone laughed as I ran through the halls, even the teachers knew about our jokes and were laughing as well. Everyone was heading to the gym, so that's where I went as well. As I ran into the gym, I was out of breath. I turned to look behind me to see where Mark was, but I didn't see him. I stopped and took a breath.

"AHH!" someone yelled in my ear. Arms wrapped around my waist and spun me around. I laughed as I was spun.

Me and Mark are really close, we tell each other everything, so I knew that it was him to be doing this, and not someone else. Mark's very protective of me, so it anyone else was doing this, they would be on the ground by now, on the tail-end of Mark's fist. I laughed some more as Mark put me back on the floor.

"Are you done yet?" my best friend, Livie, asked me. I nodded and went to move away from Mark, but he stopped me. He put his mouth to my ear.

"This isn't the payback, that's coming later," he whispered. I looked at him in disbelief.

"Mary, are you coming or not?" Livie asked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I said, snapping out of my trance. I walked up to the sixth row of bleachers and sat down next to her. Livie and I have been friends since we were in diapers. Livie has silky, smooth black glossy hair and bright blue eyes you could see for miles. She was also very curvy, I envy her very much. She's not tall though, but she makes up for it in beauty.

I have uncontrollably curly golden brown hair and crystal blue/grey eyes. I'm not very pretty, my brother and parents say I am, but they're my family, they have to say that. I do have curves though.

"Attention, Students," the principal said, speaking into a microphone that was on the stage. "I have asked you all here so you can meet your new math teacher, Mr. Ryans."

Mr. Ryans came forward and my eyes popped out of my head.

"OMG!" Livie gushed in my ear. "That man is SO HOT!" I rolled my eyes. He was cute.

He had dark brown hair, and I couldn't see his eyes from where I was sitting, but they looked to be a dark color. Maybe brown?

"Eh, he's okay," I said shrugging.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" she said, almost shouting. Several kids turned their heads to look at us, but Lucy just shrugged it off.

"That man is hot and you know it," she said.

"That man, is also our math teacher," I reminded her. "Which would make it illegal to go after him."

"But why?" she whined. I knew I won the argument from her tone of voice.

"Because, he would show favoritism, and that's not good," I told her.

"And how do you know this?"

"Everyone knows it. Some parents even have to go to different schools than their kids just so they don't show favoritism."

"Bitch," she muttered. I smiled widely at her and turned my attention back to Mr. Ryans. Mr. Ryans glanced in my direction and our eyes locked. I was right, they were brown. I felt as though I could get easily lost in his eyes. I was knocked out of my trance by Livie shaking my arm.

"What?" I asked annoyed. I tore my eyes away from Mr. Ryans and looked at Livie.

"I wonder who he's looking at," she said. Yeah, who was he looking at. He couldn't have been looking at me. I mean, out of all the students, why would he be looking at just me.

"I don't know," I said.

"Okay, Students," the principal said. "You are free to go. Be nice to Mr. Ryans today, it's his first time being a teacher."

"Did you hear that?" Livie asked me excitedly as we walked to our homeroom.

"Duh, I think just about everyone heard it," I told her.

"That means he must be in his early twenties. And we're in our late teens, it must be a sign." I rolled my eyes.

"It's not a sign," I said. "We're only sixteen, not nineteen."

"Does it matter?" she asked dreamily.

I rolled my eyes while shaking my head. When she gets like this, there's no getting her away from it. Unless you want to break a bone. Which happened to me once. I tried to get her over her One Direction liking, but there was no luck. Afterward, I was left with a friend who still loved One Direction, and a broken arm.

We took two seats that were right beside each other in the front row, next to the window. All the desks in my school were like lab tables. They seated two people per desk. Which I like because I can have Livie next to me, my brother behind me, and our best guy friend, Ricky, next to Mark. But sadly, Mark and Ricky aren't in my homeroom, but they are in my math, science, English, and history class. Livie is in all of my classes. Even my drama class. Yes, I'm in drama, but I was forced to do it. By Lucy, of course. That girl is going to be the death of me yet. Livie talked about Mr. Ryans, much to my discomfort, until the door opened. And guess who walked in...





...Mr. Ryans.

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