Chapter 9

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Damon's POV

I watched my beautiful mate disappear inside her house. I decided now was the time to drive away before I did something stupid. And that I did.

About a mile away from her home, I had to pull over and calm my raging hard-on.

To clam down my hard-on, I thought about Danny with another guy. My problem was quickly resolved and I leaned back in my seat.

God, if Marissa can do that to me by just kissing me, what will she do to me when we mate?

We have a beautiful mate, don't we?

my wolf, Kyle, asked me.

Yeah, we do, I said back.

Oh, I can't wait to mate her! Think about how wonderful her skin would be against ours. Think about how amazing she would feel as we kissed and sucked on her mark. Think about-

STOP! I shouted as he was talking. I'm getting hard just thinking about it, and you're not helping the cause here!

Sorry. It's just she's so beautiful and I want her.

I know, I do too, Kyle.

NO! I want her NOW!

Just wait, and we'll have her. I mean, we got to kiss her already, and we just met her today. I think by next week, she'll be in our arms.

Okay, but you better make it quick. He cut the mind-link and I started to drive back home. When I got there, I noticed two other cars in the driveway. One was Danny's, but I didn't recognize the other one.

I quickly climbed out of the car and ran to the house. Throwing the door open, I heard laughter coming from the kitchen. I followed the sound and saw Danny sitting at the bar in our modern kitchen. There was a girl sitting next to him laughing. It took me a minute to realize that the girl was my baby sister, Ellie.

"Ellie," I shouted gleefully. I ran over to her and engulfed her in a hug. She laughed and hugged me back. She went to visit our grandparents about a week ago, and just got back today. She mainly spent time with our old Luna.

By old Luna, I mean my grandma. She's my dad's mom. My dad was the Alpha, but resigned when my mom was killed by rouges. He soon ended up getting killed by rouges as well, and I took up the title, but I don't live in the pack house. My grandma became Luna once more, but only by her insistence.

I didn't have a mate at the time, nor a mom, so my grandma did the Alpha Female's job. My grandpa wasn't too thrilled about it, but he came around about a month later when he realized that this was what was best for the pack.

"Hey," Ellie said, laughing still. "I didn't know you guys missed me this much."

"Yeah, well what did you expect?" Danny asked laughing.

"I have no idea. Now, fill me in on what happened while I was gone," she said.

"Well, I found my mate," Danny said.


"Yeah, you would like her. She's very funny and opinionated. She loves to shop, so you two could do that together. Her friend, Mary, is Damon's mate."

Ellie turned to me in disbelief.

"You found her?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said smiling. "I did."

"COOL!!!" Ellie squealed. "Does she love to shop?"

"I have no clue," I said. "But since she's friends with Livie, I'm guessing she does."

"Who's Livie?"

"My mate," Danny said. "My mate's Livie, and Damon's mate is Mary."

"Okay, cool. When can I meet them?"



We stayed up talking for the rest of the evening. We stayed in the living room on the couches just chilling out like old times. I missed when we could do this. We did it a lot when we were younger, but when mom and dad were killed, we kind of did it less. I'm always busy with Alpha work and they're always out with friends or something.

At ten till twelve, we decided to head to bed.

(A/N: ten till twelve means 11:50 P.M.)

"Okay, goodnight," I said.

"Night," Ellie and Danny said.

I headed to my room and stripped to just my boxers and climbed into bed.

My thoughts were filled with my beautiful mate, Mary. What would it feel like to have her in my arms at night? What would it feel like to sleep next to her? Does she snore? Does she drool? What is it like to wake up next to her each morning?

I wanted to know it all, and one day I will. I just can't wait until the day that I can.


I'm sorry it's so short. I just really wanted to introduce Ellie, so this was mainly just a filler chapter. Thanks. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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