Chapter 4

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Marissa's P.O.V.

Livie and I walked out of the classroom and down the hall to our first period class: Drama.

Someone kill me now, please!

"He was so checking you out, Mare," Livie said for the tenth time. I groaned and gave her a stern look.

"For the last time, Olivia, Mr. Ryans was NOT checking me out," I said. She knows when I use her full name that I mean buisness.

"Okay, fine, Mary, but think of the facts," she insisted. I groaned loudly.

"Olivia, shut up," I said. "GOD!"

"Well, then." We walked the rest of the way down the hall in silence, well, between us at least, the rest of the school was very noisy!

We rounded the corner heading right when Livie bumped into someone, sending her to the ground and her books scattering across the floor.

"I'm so sorry," the person said. I looked at him to find him with dazzling good looks. He had dark brown eyes and chocolate brown hair. He looked familiar for some reason, but I didn't know why.

"No, it's okay," Livie said blushing. "I wasn't pay attention to where I was going." Whoa, Livie blushing? That's a first!

"No, the fault is all mine," the guy said. "I-I'm Daniel." He held a hand out to Livie. She grabbed it and stood up, her once scattered books neatly placed back in her arms.

"I'm Olivia, but you can call me Livie," she said, shaking his hand.

"You have a beautiful name." He kissed her hand like a gentleman, and I swear if it could, her face could start a forest fire.

"T-Thank you," she stuttered.

"Mind me if it's too soon, but may I take you out this Friday?"

"Yes, of course," Livie said excitedly. The bell rung, signaling that we were late to our next class.

"Um, hey, sorry to cut this short," I cut in, "but we really have to get to class."

"Of course," Daniel said. "May I ask something?"

"Yes," Livie said.

"Where is the Drama room?" he asked. I swear Livie had started jumping for joy.

"Oh, my God, that's exactly where we're going," she squealed. "Here, follow us, please." She started walking to Drama with Daniel and I trailing behind.

"Hello," he said. "I don't think I introduced myself, I'm Daniel." He stuck his hand out to me. I shook it firmly.

"I'm Marissa, but you can Mary," I said.

"You have a very pretty name," he said.

"Thank you." We all walked into the Drama room with Mrs. Rigsby, the teacher. She had just started the class.

"Sorry, we're late, Mrs. Rigsby," Livie said. "We kind of had a run-in with the new kid, Daniel."

"That's okay, but don't do it again," Mrs. Rigsby replied. She was great like that. If we a good reason as to why we were late, we could get off the hook with just a warning.

I walked over to my seat that I share with my brother Mark. He gave me a knowing smirk as I sat down. I returned the look as well as we glanced at Livie and Daniel as they sat together at a table.

"You know, Rissa, this is becoming a bad habit of yours," he whispered in my ear. I hated that nickname he gave me when we were kids, and he knows it, too.

My Teacher/Werewolf Boyfriend [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now