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Zayn groaned as she looked around after waking up yet again. She doesn't know how long she's been in the dark room.

She was chained to the wall with handcuffs.

Why does someone want to de this? To me..

Why would someone do this?

She jumped as heavy footsteps travelled to the door. In fear she curled herself into a ball cowering closer to the wall and closed her eyes, hoping to disappear.

"You're awake, finally," A deep voice said, recognising it as a man.

She peaked one eye opened and the spotted the large figure.

"Hi, I promise I won't hurt you, I brought you food," He said with a gentle voice.

"Wh-why am I h-here? How long have I been here?" She asked looking up not touching the tray of food.

"I can't tell you," He said sadly answering her.

He didn't want to do this but he has to, it's not up to him.

"Please! Tell me! I have children, a family," She cried tears falling down her cheeks.

She doesn't want to be here, she wants to be home safe in her husband's arms and surrounded by her kids.

"I'm sorry," He said and stood up leaving behind the closed door.

"PLEASE!! LET ME OUT! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! PLEASE!!!" She cried trying to free herself from the chains.

"At least take off the handcuffs," A man said watching the screen that was recording.

"No let her suffer, she deserves this," The woman said beside him, a sinister smile on her face.

"Why can't you just let it go?" The man asked.

"Because Jack," She answered short.

"Why? Just tell me," He said not liking this one bit.

"Would you just leave it," She snapped annoyed.

He put his hands up in surrender.

"Don't worry Jack, this is gonna be so fun," She laughed before walking out of the room.

Andrew shook his head. This is not going to be good.

He watched as Zayn helplessly cried into her arm.

She doesn't deserve this.


"Jase it's been 3 weeks, I can't take it anymore," Justin cried sitting on the lounge pulling tuffs of his hair.

My heart broke, he was always one to hardly cry.


"I'm sorry," I apologised wrapping my arms around his shaking body.

My team and I haven't found any clues whatsoever, nothing to trace, whoever has taken Zayn has planned this, they've thought everything out.

"My gang hasn't slept and won't stop until they find her," I said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-"

Picture Perfect. [Zustin Mieber] Where stories live. Discover now