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"Goodnight son, I love you," I whispered as I leaned down to hug him.

"Goodnight Dad, I love you too," He smiled slightly. I know he's still feels as if it's his fault, it's not.

"We'll find her baby," I said caressing his arm. There was a pause before he spoke up.

"What if we don't?" He whispered, eyes getting glassy. It breaks my heart to see my children cry.

"We will, don't you worry. We're not gonna give up," I said.

"And soon she'll be back in our arms, all safe," I said assuring him.

He nodded and yawned.

"Get some sleep baby, you had a big game today, I'm so proud," I smiled kissing his forehead.

"Alright night,"

I stood up and walked out of his room and towards Tegan's.

I knocked twice before she answered, "Come in,"

I opened the door and smiled at my baby girl.

"Hey baby girl," I said sitting on her bed.

"Hi Dad,"

"Are you okay?" I asked as she seemed to be quiet tonight, I wouldn't blame her. I'm absolutely speechless but I gotta be strong for my children though all I want to do it curl up in a ball and cry for the love of my life to come back.

It's all I want.

"No.. I really miss her and I don't know, I want her back," She whispered as her voice cracked making me pull her into a hug.

"I want her back too baby," I said rubbing her back as she cried.

"We will find her and she'll be back in our arms safe," I said.

"W-what if they do something to her?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No, don't say that,"

"Your mother is strong,"

She nodded though I know she wanted to say more.

"Alright get some rest babygirl, I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight, I love you sweetheart," I kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight Dad," She whispered.

I got up and walked out of the room and towards another door.

"Come in,"

"Hey Jase, thanks for letting us stay. I'm gonna head off the bed," I trailed off looking down at the ground.

I didn't hear anything so I looked only to be meet with Jason's chest. Yeah Jason was tall.

"You are always welcome here pup, no need to thank me," He said in my hair.

I breathed taking in his scent of cologne and vanilla, it always calmed me.

"I'm gonna find her don't you worry, pup," He said squeezing me tight.

"I know," I sighed.

"I'm sorry it's taking me so long,"

I shook my head. "You're doing the best you can do,"

"I know but still, I'd rather have her here safe than not knowing where and who's she's with," He said making me agree.

"These people have it all planned out.."

"Why would they even take her, she didn't do anything to anybody," I sighed.

"I know that's the thing, we need to find some clues," He answered.

I yawned making him give me one last hug before pulling back.

"Get some sleep," He said patting my shoulder.

"I've missed you,"

"I've missed you too Teddy," I said using my nickname for him since we were kids.

He laughed.

"I'll be here or in my room if you need me,"

I nodded before shutting the door.

I sighed. I hope they find her soon.

I tiptoed into my room just incase Mason was lightly sleeping.

I took my shirt off before getting up the covers with my son.

He instantly cuddled up to me.

"Daddy?" He mumbled.

I looked down to see he was awake.

"Yeah baby?" I asked moving some of his hair away from his face.

"Where mama?"

My body froze. What do I say to my five year old? I can't just say she's been taken. That will break his little heart. I can't watch my youngest cry.

"Mama went on a vacation," I answered. Fuck, I don't know.

He nodded. "We go with?"

I shook my head no. "No baby, not this time,"

"When she come back? I miss her daddy,"

I don't know..

"She'll come back soon," I said reassuring myself.

"Okay daddy, I love you," He yawned. He's a very passionate kid.

"Goodnight babyboy, sweet dreams," I said kissing his forehead as he cuddled up closer to me.

"Night night Daddy," He said before hiding his face in my neck.

I sighed after a few minutes as he fell asleep.

What if they don't find her?

What if she's getting tortured?

Why would they target my baby?

What if they don't get to in time?

Tears falling down my cheeks as these thoughts cloud my mind.

I miss her so fucking much.


700+ words - not edited

Hey guys! Sorry it's short.

I don't know where I'm going with this.. I honestly just write what coming into my head. So yeah this is not planned.

Does anyone have any suggestions for the next chapter??

Gave you a teeny tiny insight of Jason and Justin's relationship.

qotc: Was Justin right to tell Mason, Zayn went on a holiday?

qotd: Where do you live?

- S💋

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