20| give 'em hell kid✨

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"The hell you will." Lisa turned around upon hearing the voice. Her eyes growing wide as she stared at the owner. "Taehyung." she breathed. He merely glanced at her before returning his firm stare to Jungkook. "I don't approve of your idea Jeon." Taehyung spoke. Jungkook returned the glare firing back, "I don't think your approval is needed." Lisa sat between the two not knowing if she should say something or not, but even if she could say something she didn't know what to say that would stop them from tearing each others heads off.

"In a situation like this I think it is." Taehyung replied. Jungkook stood up. "If you don't walk away from this table there I'll make sure there will be an even bigger situation." "Now hold up let's not get too crazy." Lisa interrupted the two before anything heated could start. "Well he started it. No one told him to just hop onto our conversation." Jungkook yelled. "Well that's not what your girl said when she hopped-" "Jungkook will you excuse us for a moment?" Lisa mused plastering a fake smile on her face. Luckily he hadn't heard Taehyung clearly and she interrupted him just in time.

Lisa dragged Taehyung far from Jungkook and turned to him. She glared at him angrily. "Taehyung what the hell is your problem?!" she whispered shouted. "I know I said I'd stay away, but when I overheard that I couldn't help, but say something." Lisa smsighed and rolled her eyes. "I mean it sounds crazy that I know, but it's not your decision to make." she replied. "Lisa-" Lisa held her hand up signaling him to stop talking. "No Taehyung. You are going to turn around, go home, and leave me alone. We are not fighting over this." she ordered.

Taehyung glared at her before pushing past her. Lisa watched as he left the café. She was glad he left, but Lisa knew Taehyung too well. He'd come running back. He always did. But that, was one of the reasons that she loved him for. Lisa returned to she and Jungkook's table. "Everything okay?" she asked. Jungkook looked at her with an expression Lisa couldn't read. "I don't know, you tell me." he mumbled.

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Jungkook don't start. You know how he is. No matter what he'll keep coming back to me and I'll keep sending him away. He does things to provoke you. He can't be trusted and he can't keep his promises. That shouldn't bother you. Come on, let's finish this conversation at my house." she spoke throwing her drink away.

During the car ride home, Lisa kept thinking about what she said back at the café. "He can't keep his promises." Then the guilt came flooding in.

"Taehyung!" Lisa shouted as the male laid down next to her. It was then that she realizes what she had just did was wrong on so many levels. Then the guilt grew. "Taehyung." she spoke with a shortness of breath. He turned to her. "This was a mistake. I...I just committed a huge sin and it's one I don't think I can forgive myself for." she spoke. Taehyung frowned upon hearing this and only merely hummed. "Well think it about it. You won't have to worry about me anymore. I will stay out of everything between you two. I promise and you know I keep my promises."

Lisa sighed before she put her clothes back on. "I just...feel so bad. This will be a secret that'll haunt me for as long as I live." she muttered. Taehyung sighed. "I just wanted to love you one last time. Before I give you away to someone else. You do know, it isn't entirely easy to do that when it comes to the one you love?" he explained. Lisa grabbed her car keys and smiled at him. "Goodbye Taehyung." she spoke. He sighed.

"Goodbye Lisa. For real this time."

"Lisa are you okay? I've been talking to to you for the past minute and you haven't said a word. Is something wrong?" Jungkook asked. Lisa turned to him and faked a smile as she arrived at her home. "I'm fine. You were saying?" she urged him to continue. "I was saying that we should consider the facts. We both, me more than you kind of, have been through too much tragedy to try and take care of a child."

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Jungkook we are not giving Autumn away. She was the one good thing we got out of all of this!" Lisa argued. Jungkook sighed knowing this was going to be an intense conversation. "I know that Lisa, but that doesn't mesm we need to throw her into the turmoil. She should grow up with parents that can actually take care of themselves first before they try taking care of a child. They probably won't love her as much as we do, but still just...give it some consideration." Lisa sighed before she turned her car back on. Jungkook frowned upon seeing this. Lisa turned to him. "I'm taking you home. I don't want to talk to you right now." she spat, turning up the radio before Jungkook could even speak.

Lisa went home that night and thought about what Jungkook said. Those nights turned into days which turned into a week. She sat on her bed looking at Autumn. Thinking that maybe...just maybe she did deserve better. It would be selfish of them to not give her what she deserves rather, what they want. Lisa sighed as she looked at the child awake in front of her. Autumn was kicking and moving her arms around. She just couldn't sit still. She looked at her 'mother' as soon as Lisa came into her eye reach. Instantly Autumn began to utter strange noises and kick her feet at a quicker pace. Lisa chuckled upon seeing this. She had grown attached to the child, but she was now wondering if it was the right decision.

A week later Lisa brought the subject back up. "Jungkook," she started. He looked at her as he waited for her to speak. "I've put some thought on it and as much as I don't like it, I think you're right. Maybe she deserves a more stable lifestyle. Less complicated parents and most importantly a good life." Lisa spoke up. Jungkook listened intensively. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. It's just you were trying to take away the one thing thing that meant the most to me. I was being selfish." Jungkook smiled before he kissed her forehead. "That's my girl" he teased.

It was time for Lisa and Jungkook to sign the final paper and then Autumn was no longer theirs. As sad as it seemed for the both of them, they knew she'd get something better. Something they gives her just a little more change. They signed their names one last time before looking at he infant. They both gave her sweet kisses before she was taken away from them. They had their own troubled lives to attend to they didn't to drop it all on her. Yes there were tears and yes there was regret, but overall the two were more than happy and felt that they did the right thing.

It had been month since the couple had given up Autumn. They checked back frequently to see of anyone had finally adopted her. When they returned they were thrilled to find out that someone did. "Jungkook, Lalisa! I have get news for you." the desk clerk, Joy, greeted them happily. Lisa smiled. "Is it what I think it is?" she asked gleefully. Joy nodded. "Autumn was adopted a week ago by a lovely couple from France. I'll go pull up the names from the files." she spoke as she walked into the back room.

"Isn't this great Lisa! Autumn has found a new home. You don't look too thrilled." he stated. Lisa looked at him. "I am I just...I don't know I'm a little worried." Jungkook embraced her placing her head on his chest. "I know you're worried, but don't be. She's in good hands now." he assured her.  Joy soon returned with the file for Autumn. "Sorry for the long wait. Autumn was adopted a week ago by a couple from France as I said. I'm looking for the names." What Joy said next caused Lisa's eyes to grow wide and she clasped her hand over her mouth. She could feel the tears forming. "No it couldn't be."

"Park Chanyeol and Park Roseanne."


Author's Note: I deeply apologize if they ending sucked. There are probably a lot of grammar mistakes. I'll start editing soon. I hope you found the ending pleasing and I appreciate those of you who have been here from the very beginning as well as my newbies. Also, cam I just say THANK YOU for 10K. You all are just amazing and go above and beyond.❤

So please please please, leave your comments and final thoughts below for the last time. Also don't forge to support by voting.

I will see you in the next book!

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