01| crying in the club✨

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A/N: Banner of the shop that I received my graphics from. I'll post an external link.  Continuing with the story


Lisa opened the door after passing by the bouncer. Music filled her ears almost immediately as she entered. She had one intention tonight and that was to drink her problems away. She was going to drink until she couldn't feel nor remember the pain.

She took her seat at the bar as if it were reserved for her. "What'll it be tonight miss?" the bartender asked. He was fairly handsome in Lisa's eyes. He had a nice face and the first few buttons of his shirt were undone allowing her to see somewhat what he was working with.

Lisa avoided his gaze. She looked at his name tag that read "BamBam." before she averted her gaze to the glass table she was leaning on.

"Surprise me." was all she said before the male nodded and began to mix different liquids in a clear medium sized glass. He placed it in front of her and grabbed a tray before placing several drinks onto the surface and disappearing in the crowd of bodies. Lisa sighed. "Men." she mumbled.

That was the exact reason why she was sitting where she was slowly drinking the alcohol as it burned her throat seeing as it had been a while since she tasted the substance.

Lisa was with Taehyung for a year before they ended things. The reason why? Simple. Like almost every other male on the earth, he cheated on her. Lisa had just exited the elevator to her boyfriend's apartment when she noticed and interesting sight in the hallway.

Taehyung managed to hold a girl with brown hair complimented by lightly colored blonde highlights in one arm while his other was used to unlock his apartment door. Lisa watched as they walked in before slamming the door shut.

Lisa knew she should have stopped him. She knew she should have shouted. But she didn't. She couldn't. All she could do was stand there and watch the man that she loved be so engulfed in loving another woman that he didn't even notice her.

Lisa slowly walked back to the elevator. She followed the same route back towards her house as she had did when she intended to visit Taehyung. She unlocked her door before closing her door and sliding down it gently. That was when it happened.

That was when the first tear fell. She cried for at least another hour before she sent Taehyung a text and wiped her tears. She decided she should stop crying over a boy. She had much more sense than that.

She cleaned herself up and decided she should go out. Treat herself to something nice. She needed it. Her best friend Rosé had sent her a dress made especially for her. Rosé was a fashion designer. She was in the process of starting her first clothing line in France.

She had sent Lisa this dress as an apology. Rosé couldn't be there when both she and Lisa wanted her to be. Lisa looked at the little black dress. It seemed just like any regular black dress except it wasn't. Rosé hand put a bright blue rose of the back along with Lisa's name written under it.

Lisa told Rosé that ironically her favorite flower were roses, especially blue ones. Blue roses don't exist naturally in nature. Lisa liked that. To her that meant that there was so much more beyond limitations.

Lisa smiled as she smiled as she held the dress in her hands. She fixed her makeup and proceeded to go to somewhere to clear her mind. How did she decide on a club? Lisa didn't even know herself.

It wasn't until Lisa placed her empty glass down that she felt something wet on her wrist. She looked down only to see the clear liquid resting on her skin. And that's when she realized, she was crying.

CRYING IN THE CLUB - LISKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now